jim hide

A collection of my worst fears for the first day of every school year


  1. Falling down the TSC stairs

falling gif


This has literally haunted me for years at this point. I don’t know if I’m more scared that people will laugh, or that they won’t laugh because they think they’ve just witnessed a death.

  1. The old first-day-of-class switcheroo


Today a dude peeked his head into my Spanish class and the teacher said “Buenos dias” and he just said “I’m in the wrong class” and shut the door.

  1. Running into that guy from that date that one time

jim hide

Heeeeyyyyyy Curtis, so good to see you. So happy we can talk about the time we hung out for three hours and both immediately knew that we never wanted to hang out again.

  1. Finding out I’ll actually have to buy one of my textbooks

lay down

I fully planned on skating by on PowerPoints and study guides but if there are ASSIGNMENTS in there I guess I’ll just go ahead and hit up the darkest corner of the internet for that $4.38 copy with no front cover and all the wrong portions highlighted.

  1. I’ll have to get from the FAC to Old Main in 15 minutes

peeta run

Why do I always think there’s time to stop for Taco Time? When will I learn?

