A final word on abstinence


Dear Editer (yes those at the Statesman),

I wrote a letter that appeared in the 1/22 edition of the statesman. Since then, there has been a lot of feed back. All of it has been negative. Every response has personnaly, and not objectivly, attacked my opinion and way of thinking. It obvioulsy triggered hostile responses. My letter was objective and never named names but only in response to someone’s (Mr. Delks) letter. If they are so comfortable with their lifestyle, why do they need to justify it to me. If having childern out of wedlock is no big deal, then why so defensive. It almost sounds as though they feel quilty. And for this comment, I apologize at once if I have affended anybody. It almost sounds like a bunch of friends wrote a bunch of letters in support of each other.

The intent of my letter was to express my views on the subject of sex outside of marriage and planning on having childeren the way its been done for thousands of years. It’s funny that because medical science has made the advances they have, it’s ok to do something that has been seen as forbidden for so long. Also, since it’s a new age and era it’s time to get on the bandwagon, right? Let me ask a question. Slavery (and not just in America’s history) was the new and popular thing a long time ago, but was it the right thing to do? Others made their choices to have slaves and others didn’t. Either way, it still affected the lives of others. And I know this has nothing to do with sex, but I’m trying to illustrate a point.

A reason could be why many marriages end quickly in “Utah” is because they rush into things. Long engagements are not a bad thing and I don’t believe that having sex before marriage will “cure” the reason for being married. It doesn’t make sense. Also, the question was asked if I believe in God. It’s kind of obvious that the individual didn’t read the letter very closely. For the response they wrote, I say to them, read the bible. You’ll find out what happened to those who believed in a sex religion. My comment about religion was there because it addressed a comment in their letter about religion.

Do you even get positive feedback? If so, do you even publish it? Or do you only publish things that are going to get a rise out of people? The guidelines the Statesman set prefer an indivual to not call anyone names. However, the same affect is implied by indicating that a writer doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Same thing as saying someone is dumb.

This letter is intended for the editers at the Statesman.

Nathan Smith