
A hands-on experience

Alisha Tolman

From reflexology to acupressure to Swedish massage therapy, the power of touch is one of humanity’s oldest and simplest forms of medical care, and more Americans than ever are discovering its healing powers through professional massage therapists, according to holisticonline.com, a Web page specializing in holistic health.

A good massage can have a plethora of bodily benefits, said Jared Davis, a therapsit with Cache Valley’s Massage Therapists. Massage can enhance blood circulation and flush toxins from the body by improving the flow of the lymphatic system, he said.

Also, a massage relaxes “trigger points,” or tight spots in a muscle created by repetitive movement – like typing on a computer every day, Davis said.

Trigger points cause pain because they cut off fluid circulation to that part of the muscle.

“A muscle is kind of like a sponge,” said Debi Bishop, a massage therapist at Healing Arts Center. “You want it to hold fluid. When it’s twisted, it can’t get fluid into it. It solidifies and gets toxins built up in it, and that causes pain.”

In addition, a massage releases “little feel-good things” such as neural peptides and endorphins, Bishop said.

Causes of muscle-related pain, and especially back pain, are widely varied, she said.

“Back pain can be caused by mineral deficiencies, skeletal misalignment or viral infection,” Bishop said. “I test my clients for essential oils and viruses when they come in. I also feel with my hands for tight muscle bands.”

Davis said, “Emotional stress causes a lot of aches and pains.”

“Researchers have estimated that 80 percent of all disease is stress related. Soothing and relaxing massage therapy can help by counteracting stress effects,” said Elliot Greene, former president of the American Massage Therapy Association.

One way to have a relaxing massage is to get a Swedish massage, which uses long strokes of the hand to relax the entire body, said local massage therapist Lezlie Skinner, who specializes in the Swedish massage technique.

“I was going to school in physical therapy,” Skinner said. “I chose massage therapy because it’s a more personal way of treating people.”

A massage often stimulates the release of emotion in a patient.

“People will start crying during a massage,” Bishop said.

The tendency for massage to associate so closely with emotion and self-healing power causes most massage therapists to study the Chinese philosophy of energy flows, called meridians, Davis said.

It is from the study of meridians that acupressure and reflexology arise, he said.

“On the bottom of your feet, there are reflexes for every part of your body. Each point corresponds to a body part or organ,” Davis said.

By applying pressure to these areas, a massage therapist can relieve pain, he said.

“When you push the point on the palm of your hand to get rid of a headache, you’re using reflexology,” he said.

While methods and technique of massage vary from therapist to therapist, “the basic goal of massage therapy is to help the body heal itself and to increase health and well-being,” according to holisticonline.com.

“Touch is the core ingredient of massage therapy. Touch also conveys a sense of caring, an important component in the healing relationship,” according to holisticonline.com.

This kind of healing touch doesn’t come without a price, however. An hour in the hands of a skilled massage therapist can run from $35 to $40, Skinner said.

With research consistently showing the benefits of a skilled massage, even some insurance policies are covering visits to a massage therapist, Davis said.

A cheaper alternative to the expertise of a massage therapist is to give yourself a massage. Benefits similar to that of a massage can be achieved by long stretching- particularly Yoga- and by drinking enough water, Davis said.

A hands-on experience (Zak Larsen )