a question regarding research for the editor


Dear editor, I am not submitting a letter to be printed in the Statesman. However, I do have a question for you. I am a student at Idaho State and am researching student newspapers for a proposal assignment in a professional/business writing class. The question is this: Do you have a student written humor column? If so, do you believe that it adds much to the appeal and circulation of the paper? I noticed the Dave Barry link here and presume you run his column. Is it cost effective? How much do you pay? I would greatly appreciate a respone to jorgensenandrew@hotmail.com. The assignment is due on tuesday, April 17. Many sincere thanks for your help. I offer you my finished research and proposal. If you are interested, let me know. I like your web site,

Andrew Jorgensen, Pocatello (208) 234 0455