Abortion is the same as Slavery


Cy Martz’ column written Monday January 24th has elicited a number of responses, both for and against abortion. The most alarming and saddening aspect of this entire topic is that our society is so degraded and dishonored that we even allow this issue to be debated. Webster defines murder as “the unlawful and malicious or premeditated killing of one human being by another.” An unborn child is a living human being, and abortion is murder. This is not the first time in our nation’s history that there has been debate over who is considered a “human being.” There are similarities between slavery and abortion: The Supreme Court declares unborn children as non-persons; (just like they declared Blacks to be) the unborn are considered property of ‘owner’; (just like Blacks) abortion is legal (on the same justification as slavery). Nowadays, we’ve recognized the evils of this institution. During the time of slavery, discrimination was on the basis of ethnicity and skin color. Now, it is on the even weaker basis of age and place of residence (outside of the abdominal wall as opposed to inside). There are so many errors in his column that righting them all would take well over 350 words. Several must be addressed. 1) Pro Abortion vs. Pro Choice. What choice does the unborn baby have in the matter? 2) Those who believe that pregnancy is a “natural consequence” of sex are mocked in Cy’s column. Pregnancy resulting from sex could be the definition of natural consequence! You have sex, you get pregnant. We learned that in 4th grade, Cy. Also, there is a significant difference between consequence and punishment. 3) Let’s expand on the idea of extra-marital sex being inevitable. Cy states that “full disclosure and education of our youth about birth control and condoms” is the answer. Drug use is inevitable. Is the answer to our nation’s drug problem to educate our youth on “safe drug use,” hand out sanitary needles and explain to school children how to do drugs? Doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it? Unfortunately, his feature was full of this kind of illogical logic.

Ben Nilson
