Activites and Events

April 19-A-Day booths and games, Quad, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. -A-Day True Aggie night dance, TSC 9 p.m. to midnight- Dr. Monica Bontty “Conflict Management in Ancient Egypt” 9:30 a.m., Main, Room 326.-Robins Award ceremony, 7:30 p.m. TSC Ballroom. Free tickets TSC ticket office. Spring Formal 9:30 p.m., TSC, $15 advance at ticket office, $20 at door.-USU Theatre, “Cabaret”, 7:30 p.m. Morgan theatre, USU Student Free, Tickets $5 – $8.

April 20-USU Softball vs Cal State Northridge, 1:00 p.m. Double header-Mark Faldmo Track Invitational Maughan Track Stadium-Introductory kayak clinic. 2 – 5 p.m. Sign up at the ORC. $5 in advanced, $10 at the door. 797-3264.-Robins Awards, TSC Ballroom, 7 p.m. TSC, Room 326-ASUSU Spring Formal, 9:30 p.m. – 1 a.m. TSC, $15 in advance, $20 at the door.

April 22-BFA Show, Tippetts Art Gallery, FAC

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•April 19, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Utah State University Press annual Damaged Book Sale on the TSC patio. All books will be under $5.@@Mean Green Canyon Mountain Bike Race, April 20, 10 a.m. Register day of race $14. USU cycling club@@USU Aggie Marching Band Flag Corps auditions, April 20, Noon – 5:00 p.m. Chase Fine Arts Center 104. • AED and Women in Medicine. Tour of the University of Utah School of Medicine. April 23, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Leave USU promptly at 9 a.m. BNR 101, April 10.@@AED April 24, 6:00 p.m. closing social at Kate’s Kitchen. The scholarships will be awarded. $5/person. sign-up BNR 101 •Musical classic “Cabaret” presented by Utah State Theatre, April 24 through 27, 7:30 p.m. Morgan Theatre, Tickets $5 to $8, 797-0305 USU Students Free With Valid ID, Children under the age of 6 not admitted •Aggie Leadership Academy interviews 2002-03 facilitators. Sign up for an interview in the Service Center. Experienced leaders needed. •Interested in a organizing a Hillel (Jewish club) on campus. Open to students/staff/faculty. Contact •Women’s Leadership class fall semester. Two credit course for undergraduate women (who have earned 31 or more credit hours) and graduate women who want to gain a stronger sense of self, discover ways in which they can lead, and develop and practice leadership skills before they leave USU. Women’s center 797-1728. •Excellent fall work-study jobs. USU America Reads interviewing now for reading tutor positions in local elementary schools. Contact Academic Resource Center 797-4027 or •”Living with Grief: Loss in Later Life” video teleconference, Hospice, April 24, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Logan Regional Hospital, 1400 N. 500 East.@@HPER-a-loosa, 30 year celebration of HPER building. Free breakfast, ice cream and games. April 16, 10:00 a.m. 0 2:00 p.m. HPER building and field. •Wilderness First Responder, May 7 through 16. Course and exam required for two year SOLO Wilderness First Responder certification and two year Adult CPR certification. Register Maggon 797-9801 or ECC, Room 103. • Infancy Childhood, and Adolescence Conference The 19th Annual Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence Conference is scheduled for May 13 through 17, 2002 at the USU Eccles Conference Center. Five nationally recognized scholars will be on-hand to discuss topics from the temperament and attachment relations to educating parents for a more caring society. Two to three credits available for attending all five days; Full-time University student discount available. Info. USU Conference Services 797-0423.@@ Celiac Sprue Disease/Dermatitis Herpetiformis Group, meeting at Cache Valley Specialty Hospital, 2380 North 400 East, North Logan, in The Deli, May 2, 7 p.m.  Come to enjoy some gluten-free goodies and hear how to make them. Learn how to live a healthy gluten-free lifestyle after a diagnosis of CD/DH.  Jeanine Andersen 753-9011 • Photography and Watercolor workshops, June 3 through 7, 2002. Learn to use a digital camera, a regular 35 mm camera or watercolor’s to create pieces that display your own personal creativity. To register contact Maggon Osmond 797-9801 or stop ECC, Room 103.