Activities and Events

January 9-When American Sings ticket sales begin. In person sales 5:30 p.m. TSC Walnut room. Info. Call 797-1738-90 percent tuition refund available

January 10-ASUSU Convocations, Lawson Inada, 1:30 p.m. TSC Ballroom. Asian American author of “Legends from Camp.” -USU Basketball vs UC Irvine, 9:07 p.m., Spectrum. ESPN game.

January 11

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•ASUSU Convocations, Lawson Inada, Jan. 10, 1:30 p.m. TSC Ballroom. Asian American author of “Legends from Camp.” He and his family were relocated during World War II to an internment camp in Arkansas. •USU Basketball vs Long Beach State, Jan 12, 7:05 p.m. Spectrum •ASUSU Poetry and a Beverage, Jan. 12, 8 p.m. Skyroom.@@The office of New Student Orientation is now accepting applications for the 2002 A-Team. Info. session, Jan 16, 4:00 p.m., TSC 335. or apply now in TSC 304.@@ The Tutor Advertiser is now on the Web! If you want to advertise as a private tutor in any subject, or are looking for a private tutor, go to, click on “Tutoring”, then “Tutor Advertiser”. Contact the Academic Resource Center 797-1128 or TSC 305 for any questions@@USU Women’s Center Advisory Center “Women over 65 Achievement Awards.” Nominations are now being taken. Women eligible for recognition must reside in Cache Valley, be 65 years of age or older, and have made outstanding contributions to the advancement and equality life for women on a local, state or national level. Guidelines available Women’s Center, TSC 310 or call 797-1728. •”Death of a Salesman” sponsored by ASUSU Performing Arts, Jan. 28, 7:30 p.m. Kent Concert Hall. Student tickets $3 Ticket office. •Applications for the 2002/2003 Classified Employee Scholarships are available January 3 through April 24. The scholarships are awarded annually to a child, grandchild, or spouse of a USU Classified Employee. Applications are available in the Merrill Library, Room 115, TSC Information Desk, Facilities, Rm. 104, Financial Aid or contact Kris Howard 797-2483,, for more information. •Cache Valley Historical Society, Jan. 9, 7 p.m. Logan City building, council chambers. Virginia C. Parker will give a talk about California rare books and fine press printing. Mrs. Parker a Logan native, received degrees from Stanford and the University of California at Berkeley. She has worked for the Huntington Library in San Marino California and the California Historical Society in San Francisco. Several examples from her collection of California fine press will be displayed at the lecture. Information Paul Riley 752-4032.@@Bridgerland Audubon Society Jan. 10, 7:00 p.m. Speakers Penny Trinca and Cindy Hall. Discussing agricultural land preservation in Cache Valley and opportunities in local sustainable agriculture through the Cache Valley Gardeners’ Market and development of a commercial shared-use kitchen. Logan City Meeting room, 255 North Main . All are welcome.@@ “Dance Mosaic” – a benefit dance concert for Spenser Cole will be held Jan. 12, 1 p.m. Morgan Theater. A variety of dances will be showcased including Ballroom, Middle Eastern, Swing, Modern, Jazz and more. Tickets are $5.00 at the door and all proceeds will go to Spenser Cole – a young girl in need of a bone marrow transplant. •Chamber Music Society of Logan concert, Jacques Thibaud String Trio. Jan. 25, 7:30 p.m. ECC. Student Tickets $5, others $15, USU Ticket Office.