Activities and Events

Friday, February 1

-USU Hockey vs Wyoming, 9:30 p.m., Eccles Ice Arena, Tickets at USU ticket office.

Saturday, February 2

-Graduate Student snow day at Beaver Mountain, Contact GSS office TSC 318 or 797-1736

-USU Basketball vs Cal Poly, 7:05, Spectrum

-USU Hockey vs Wyoming, 9:30 p.m., Eccles Ice Arena, Tickets at USU ticket office.

Monday, February 4

-USU fashion show tryouts. Models needed, any size, any height. Feb. 4 – 5 anytime 7-9 p.m. TSC Auditorium

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@@Aggie leadership academy retreat, Feb. 1, 5:30 meet in Juniper Lounge. $6 and one canned non-perishable food item.

“Annual Winter Fest in Mendon, 5K cross country ski race and 10K Nordic challenge Saturday, Feb. 2. Registration 9:00 a.m. racing starts 10:00 a.m. Location 2200 S. 5900 W. (Cobblestone) in Mendon. There is no entry fee for the event. Info. E-mail”

@@USU Fencing Club competition, Feb. 2, 9:30 a.m. HPER 201. Come see world ranked fencers. Club also teaches beginners class on Monday.

•”Woman’s Conference” Feb. 2 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Institute Gym, free, Lunch will be included

@@”Enhancing Diversity in the Workforce” Applications Feb. 1. Classes begin Feb. 12. A free training for people with limited English skills. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Logan High School. Child care available. Contact Idania 797-0698

• URCO (Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities) Grant Application Deadline: Feb. 8. Info. Stephanie Chambers at

@@Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) Carnival, Feb. 9, 8:30 p.m. – midnight, Junction. Chinese food and performance, dance, games and prizes. $7/person. Sponsored by Chinese Students and Scholars Association.

•USU Theatre welcomes the Saratoga International Theatre Institute. Feb. 9, 7:30, Morgan Theatre, UST Students will collaborate with playwright Chuck Mee, recording artists “The Rachels,” and SITI in performing an entirely original work. Admission is free. Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted. Due to the nature of an original work, some material may not be suitable all viewers.

• USU Theatre presents “Vanities,” by Jack Heifner. 7:30 p.m. Feb. 28, March 1 – 2, and March 5 – 9, Caine Lyric Theatre (28 West Center, Logan). Tickets $5 – $8 USU Students free with valid I.D. Info. 797-0305

•Help needed for a Valentine’s Day service project. STEP committee meets every Tuesday night 9:30 p.m. TSC 3rd floor service center. Info. E-mail

• Writer’s group Scuttlebutts meets Thursdays 6 p.m., and if anyone would like to join, e-mail

@@Applications for Pinnacle, the national reentry honor society are available in Reentry Center, TSC 310. Must be 26 years of age or older, junior or senior, have had 5 year or more gap at some point in their education, 3.0 overall USU GPA, be involved in campus and/or community activities, and be required to pay a $20 one-time national membership fee.

•Applications for the 2002/2003 Classified Employee Scholarships are available January 3 through April 24. The scholarships are awarded annually to a child, grandchild, or spouse of a USU Classified Employee. Applications are available in the Merrill Library, Room 115, TSC Information Desk, Facilities, Rm. 104, Financial Aid or contact Kris Howard 797-2483,, for more information.

•Cache Valley Folk Dancers are hosting a Contra Dance, Feb. 2. Whittier Community Center, 290 N. 400 East. Music by Leaping Lulu, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Beginners and individuals as well as couples are welcome. All dances are taught, $4 donation requested.

•Bonneville Shoreline Trail Draft Open house, Feb. 4, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Logan Recreation Center Classroom, 195 South 100 West. Trailer users, community officials, landowners and anyone interested in improving the quality of life in your community are encouraged to attend.

• The Cache Valley Historical Society will host a talk and slide show by Daniel Davis entitled: Andrew Joseph Russell, Union Pacific Photographer. Dan will examine the photographs taken by A. J. Russell that documented the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad. Feb. 6, 7 p.m., Logan City Building northeast meeting room. Info. Paul Riley 752-4032.