Activities and Events

February 15-Last Statesman issue until February 27-USU gymnastics vs Utah, 7 p.m. Spectrum-Russia Today, Film and discussion, Main 207, Info. Dept. of Languages and Philosophy

February 16-USU basketball vs UC Riverside, 7:05 p.m., Spectrum

February 18 – 22 -Presidents Day and Olympic Break

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•Green Canyon Winter Camping, Feb. 15 and 16. Snow shoe or cross country ski up and sleep in quinzhee snow shelter or a tent. Food and transportation provided. $16/USU card or $20 w/o. Registration deadline Feb. 13.@@ Need something to do over the Olympic Break? Stop by the Study Abroad Office and pick up an application for this summer as well as Fall and Spring Semester 2002-2003 to Study Abroad. It is not to late to apply! Applications still available for: Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru, England, Austria, Slovenia, Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, Philippines, Brazil and More! Next Application Deadline is: March 1st! Come find out what study abroad is all about and pack your bags! Info: Study Abroad Office TSC 313, 797-0601/1253 or day to drop classes, Feb. 25.@@Last day to change to P/D+/D/F option, Feb. 25.@@Guest speakers about self esteem and eating issues. Feb. 28, 7 – 8:30 p.m. TSC 335 •National Student Exchange deadline to apply for Fall 2002/Spring 2003 is March 1. Questions? 797-1132 or University Inn, Room 101. • USU Theatre presents “Vanities,” by Jack Heifner. 7:30 p.m. Feb. 28, March 1 and 2, and March 5 through 9, Caine Lyric Theatre (28 West Center, Logan). Tickets $5 to $8 USU Students free with valid I.D. Info. 797-0305@@ General information meetings for any girls interested in participating in Miss Cache Valley Scholarship pageant are Feb. 20 & 28, 7:00 p.m., Cache Chamber of Commerce. Info. 563-6792@@Bridgerland Literacy is now accepting registration for its semi-annual tutor training. Bridgerland Literacy trains volunteers and matches them with people who need help with their reading skills. Anyone interested in helping another person learn to read call 716-9141. •Graduate Reentry women with a gap of 5 or more years between undergraduate degree and entering graduate school. Must be a matriculated graduate student accepted in a department, 3.0+ GPA and enrolled in minimum 6 hours. Info. 797-1728@@ Applications for the “Empowering Women Benefit Scholarship” are due March 1st. Applications are available at the USU Women’s Center. Any Cache Valley woman with a five or more year gap in her education is eligible to apply. •Susan Grey Blue Sky Scholarship applications available Women’s Center TSC 310. Eligibility: Undergraduate Junior or Senior women, 2.5+ GPA or Graduate women, 3.0+ GPA and enrolled in a minimum 6 credit hrs. Must be majoring or minoring in visual arts and can include an emphasis in painting, ceramic, photography, and two-dimensional art. Info. 797-1728 •Dupont Endowed Scholarship for Women and Minorities in Civil and Environmental Engineering forms in Women’s Center TSC, Room 310. Must be undergraduate women in Civil and Environmental Engineering or Undergraduate American minority men in Civil and Environmental Engineering or undergraduate women in engineering. •Stephanie Osborne scholarship is now available from the USU Women’s Center, TSC, Room 310. Undergraduate single senior women 24 years of age or younger and will graduate Fall 2002 or Spring 2003. Need to have 2.5+ GPA and enrolled for a minimum of 6 hrs. •One $250 grant-in-aid available to a woman with a declared major in education from Delta Kappa Gamma, a women’s educational organization. Grant awards based on financial need, scholarship, leadership and activities. All applicants must be accepted into an educational program of their chosen major dept. Info. USU Women’s Center, 797-1728. Applications due March 15. •Applications for the 2002/2003 Classified Employee Scholarships are available Jan. 3 through April 24. Scholarships awarded annually to a child, grandchild, or spouse of a USU Classified Employee. Applications available in the Merrill Library 115, TSC Info. Desk, Facilities, Room 104, Financial Aid or contact Kris Howard 797-2483,, for more