Activities and Events

March 15-ORC Night snow shoe trip, 3:45 p.m. meet at ORC-Intermountain paper and poster symposium, 9 a.m. ECC. Graduate research presentations from the Intermountain Region-Congressman Jim Hansen will speak in the TSC Sunburst Lounge, 7 p.m. Everyone invited-Wassermann Festival, Solo recital, Olga Kern. 7:30 p.m., Kent Concert Hall, Chase Fine Arts Center. General admission, $5, student w/ID Free

March 18- Family Life week Club service projects and free Aggie Ice Cream 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. -Dr. Christopher Pelling of University College, Oxford, speaking on “Julius Caesar: Plutarch to Shakespeare” 11:30 a.m., Main 115.-Family Life week, Monsters Inc, a pillow movie, 7:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.m., TSC Ballroom- “Women of Note A Choral Perspective.” USU Choirs, 7:30 p.m., FAC, Kent Concert. General Admission, $5, students w/ID Free

March 19-Family Life Feud, noon, HUB. -STAB sponsoring comedian Jon Reep, 9:00 p.m. Ballroom

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@@ORC Drumming workshops with Fred Simpson, March 13 – April 17, Congolese 6-7:30 p.m., West African, 8-9:30 p.m., Fee $59.•Spots available for the USU Study Abroad Program to Costa Rica! Deadline March 15. This is a 4-week Spanish Language Program in Costa Rica beginning May 6 and NO SPANISH BACKGROUND IS NEEDED. Pick up an application or get Info: TSC 313, 797-0601, ext. 1253 or • Comedy Night – March 15, 7 p.m. , Institute Gym. Dinner catered and Dance – $7 w/Institute ID $10 W/O@@Family Life Week March 18 – 22Alumni Form, March 20, Family Life Caine room, 11:00 – 2:00 p.m. •”The Serpent of Old Nile: Cleopatra?” Professor Christopher Pelling, from University College, Oxford, a look at Cleopatra VII, the last Macedonian ruler of Egypt. March 19, noon to 1:15 p.m., Sci-Tech 120. •Get your Tickets for RHSA “I Do or Die” by Brandon Stauffer, Murder Mystery, March 21, 7 p.m. TSC Ballroom. Tickets $76 or 2 for $10. •Rhetoric Associates program accepting applications for 2002-2003 academic year. Outstanding undergraduate writers to assist faculty and students. Applicants apply online:, by March 25. Those selected must be interviewed and pre-register for fall early in April. RAs work with specific classes – often in their majors about 90 hours over the term, and earn $550 per term.@@Multi-lingual performance of Handel’s Messiah, March 30 – 31, 7:00 p.m. Kent Concert Hall. Performed in English, Spanish, and American Sign language. Free. •Wilderness First Responder, May 7 through 16. Course and exam required for two year SOLO Wilderness First Responder certification and two year Adult CPR certification. Register Maggon 797-9801 or ECC, Room 103. •2002/03 reentry financial assistance from the Women’s Center. Must be Undergraduate reentry women and men with a five-year gap in education and a minimum 2.5 GPA. Check out the Tuition waivers. Eligibility 3.0 GPA, enrolled 12 semester hours, Utah resident and undergraduate reentry women and men with a five year or more gap in schooling. TSC, Room 310 or 797-1728@@Stephanie Osborne Scholarship application available Women’s Center TSC, Room 310. Undergraduate single senior women 24 yrs. of age or younger and will graduate Fall 2002 or Spring 2003, 2.5+ GPA and enrolled for a minimum of 6 hrs.@@2002 Faculty Fellowship applications being accepted by the Mountain West Center for Regional Studies. This fellowship is designed to support & recognize and individual faculty member or team in the Humanities, Arts, or Social Sciences for the completion of a pedagogic, scholarly or creative project that will expand our understanding of the American Mountain West. Info. 797-3630 or Mountain West Center for Regional Studies is accepting applications for the 2002 Faculty Fellowship. This is a $6,000 award designed to support and recognize an individual faculty member or faculty team in the Humanities, Arts, or Social Sciences for the completion of a pedagogic, scholarly or creative project that will expand the understanding and appreciation of the American Mountain West. For more information contact the MWC 797-3630 or •Plan ahead for the Student Showcase April 18. The showcase is an opportunity for undergraduate research grant recipients, English essay winner and students whose departments require public presentations of senior project. Nominate students to participate by contacting Vic Provost Joyce Kinkead, or Stephanie Chambers, @@Dupont Endowed scholarship for women and minorities in Civil and Environmental Engineering applications available TSC, 310. Undergraduate women in Civil and Environmental Engineering or undergraduate American minority men in Civil and Environmental Engineering or undergraduate women in engineering. @@Graduate Reentry women scholarship applications available Women’s Center. Criteria: 5 year gap between undergraduate degree and entering graduate school. Must be matriculated graduate student accepted in a department 3.0+ GPA and enrolled for a minimum of 6 hrs. • Photography and Watercolor workshops, June 3 through 7, 2002. Learn to use a digital camera, a regular 35 mm camera or watercolor’s to create pieces that display your own personal creativity. To register contact Maggon Osmond at 797-9801 or stop by ECC, Room 103.