Activities and Events, Feb. 14

Wednesday, February 14-Black History Month Fashion Show, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., Sunburst Lounge

Friday, February 16-USU Women’s gymnastics vs Missouri 7 p.m. Spectrum •Plant Science Club’s Annual Valentine’s Day Flower Sale, Feb. 14. TSC Basement, All Day.

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•USU Outdoor Rec, Banff Mountain film festival, Feb. 14 and 15, 7 p.m. Kent Concert Hall, $7 w/student ID or $7 w/o ID.•I Love a Challenge – Battle of the Sexes competition, Feb. 14, 7:30 p.m. Merrill Hall, 2nd floor lounge.•I love you for you – working thorough differences in relationships through communication. A panel discussion, Feb. 15, 8:00 p.m. Merrill Hall 2nd floor. •Mortar Board will be having audtitions for Guitars Unplugged in March. To sign up for the event and information TSC 326. •Society for Human Resource Management is holding its annual fundraiser now through Feb. 23. Prizes include 2 Jazz tickets (10th row), a free night at the Anniversary Inn and more! Look for the SHRM in the Bus. Bldg. lobby & the TSC. Part of the proceeds will go to the Disability Resource Center. •If you enjoy traveling and new experiences, check into the USU Study Abroad Program. Placements are available in Europe, Asia, South American, North Americna, Australia and Africa. Take courses in a foreign language or in English. Most financail aid and scholaships will apply. Earn creidts towrad graduation while experiencing the world TSC, Room 304 or 797-0601 or www.usu/stdyabrd/ •Stephanie Osborne Scholarship is now availalbe from the USU Women’s Center. Eligibility: Undergraduate single senior women 24 years or younger. Contact the Center located in the USU TSC, Room 310, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Or call 797-1728.•Write a note, get a vote. USU needs you to write your local representatives. Free materials at table in TSC 1st floor. •USU Women’s Center Advisory Board is seeking nomination for “Women over 65 Achievement Awards.” Women eligible for recognition must reside in Cache Valley, be 65 years of age or older, and have made outstanding contributions to the advancement and equality of life for women on a local, state or national level. Guidelines are available USU Women’s Center, TSC, Room 310. •2001/2002 Dupont scholarship applications are available from USU Women’s Center, TSC, Room 310. Criteria: Undergraduate women or undergraduate American minority men in Civil and Environmental Engineering or undergraduate women in engineering. Deadline March 9. Info 797-1728. •Applications are available for Leadership Exploration Resource Center Scholarships for 2001-2002. Information TSC, Room 326 or e-mail •The Mountain West Center for Regional Studies is accepting applications for their Faculty Fellowship. This fellowship is designed to support and recognize an individual faculty member or faculty team in the Humanities, Arts, or Social Sciences for the completion of a pedagogic, scholarly or creative project that will expand our understanding or appreciation of the American Mountain West. For more information, contact the Mountain West Center at 797-3630 or •Applications for 2001/2002 Classified Employee scholarships are available Jan. 3 through April 25 at the following locations: Merrill Library, Room 115, TSC Information desk, Physical Plant, Room 110, or call Paula Baker 7-0668. •The Lifetime Learning Center is looking for basic skills volunteer teachers. Info. Virginia Ratliff 752-8621 or Lifetime Learning Center, Emporium basement (downtown Logan) •Feb. 18, “Sights and Sounds of Nepal” a slide show presentation at 7p.m., Whittier Center Gym – 290 N. 400 E. Logan. Donation suggested. All proceeds benefit Common Ground Outdoor Adventures, a non-profit, providing adaptive recreation for people with disabilities. Refreshments will be available. •Score is sponsoring a workshop on How to Set Up and Operate a Small Business, Feb. 20 & 21, 7 to 10 p.m., Bridgerland Applied Technology Center, 1301 N. 600 West, Rm 1512. Cost $25, Call 752-2161.•US Representative Jim Matheson will be the featured speaker at the Cache Democrats Annual Jefferson/Jackson Dinner. Feb. 24, at 6:00 p.m., Copper Mill Ballroom, 55 North Main, Door Prizes, Auction, Raffle, Dinner, 27.50 per person Buy tickets at the door or contact: Dell Johnson 245-6454, Wendall Sullivan 245-4047. Julie Pitcher 563-6698 Gina Wickwar 753-5156 •Neighborhood Nonprofit Housing and the USDA are starting a self-help housing program in Cache Valley. This program allows qualified families to use sweat equity to build a significant portion of their home, decreasing the coast of the home by up to 25 percent with no down payment required. There will be an orientation meeting, Feb. 28, 7 p.m. in USU Credit Union, 198 North Main. If unable to attend Call 752-7242