Activities and Events, March 5

Monday, March 5-Business Week, Larry H. Miller will speak, 12:30 p.m., Sunburst Lounge-USU Music Dept. Jazz Concert, 7:30 p.m. Morgan Theatre. Adults $3, Students Free w/ID-Wasserman Festival Solo recitals, 7:30 p.m. Kent Concert Hall Free

Tuesday, March 6-Safe Spring Break, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. TSC patio. Chance to win scholarships and local prizes by pledging to have a safe spring break. USU Police will have a drinking and driving simulation. -Wasserman Festival Solo recitals, 7:30 p.m. Kent Concert Hall Free-USU Wind Orchestra and Symphonic Band, 7:30 p.m. Morgan Theatre, Adults $3, Students Free w/ID

Wednesday, March 7-Discussion of the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, by Dr. Ilona Jappinen, 7 p.m. Widstoe, Room 007-Wasserman Festival Solo recitals, 7:30 p.m. Kent Concert Hall Free

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•Business Week: Monday: Resume/Internship help 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., 9th floor of the Business building. Tuesday: Pizza and drinks for $1, in front of Business Bldg. 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday: Fun Park activity for Business week, Free 8 p.m. to midnight

•The Society for Cultural Awareness through film continues its weekly series with “Why Has Bodhi-Pharma left the East” 7:30 p.m. FAV, Room 150

•Be part of a group research study about pre-natal care and earn $10. Men and women needed. If interested fill out a form at the Student Health Center, TSC, Room 102.

•Actors wanted: The independent student workshop is auditioning parts for a 10-minute play to be held in April. Auditions March 5, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., FA Morgan theatre. All are invited to audition.

•Wasserman Festival Solo Piano Recitals, March 5, 7, 8. 7:30 p.m., Kent Concert Hall, Students admitted free.

•Safe Spring Break, March 6, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. TSC patio. Chance to win scholarships and local prizes by pledging to have a safe spring break. USU Police will have a drinking and driving simulation. Sponsored by Student Wellness.

•The Philosophy Club presents the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche starring Dr. Ilona Jappinen. Nietzsche is one of the most influential men of the century and is quoted as saying, “God is dead.”

•The Rhetoric Associates Program is accepting applications for the next academic year. RA’s tutor writing and speaking assignments in specific classes as requested by faculty members; they also enroll in a 3-credit seminar fall semester. The stipend for the year is $1,100. Applicants for the program must be outstanding writers themselves and display a willingness to help others. The program is generally open to majors in HASS or Natural Resources. Application materials are available in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences office (M338) or through the web site Decisions should be made on next year’s tutors in time for early registration for fall semester.

•2001/02 Dupont Scholarship applications available. Criteria: Undergraduate women or undergraduate American minority men in Civil or Environmental Engineering or undergraduate women in engineering. Deadline March 9. Info 797-1728.

•Stephanie Osborne Scholarship is now available from the USU Women’s Center. Eligibility: Undergraduate single senior women 24 years or younger. Contact the Center located in the USU TSC, Room 310, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Or call 797-1728.

•The Mountain West Center for Regional Studies is accepting applications for their Faculty Fellowship. This fellowship is designed to support and recognize an individual faculty member or faculty team in the Humanities, Arts, or Social Sciences for the completion of a pedagogic, scholarly or creative project that will expand our understanding or appreciation of the American Mountain West. For more information, contact the Mountain West Center at 797-3630 or

•Applications for 2001/2002 Classified Employee scholarships are available Jan. 3 through April 25 at the following locations: Merrill Library, Room 115, TSC Information desk, Physical Plant, Room 110, or call Paula Baker 797-0668.

•2001/2002 Graduate Reentry Scholarship applications are available from the Women’s Center TSC 310. Criteria: gap of five or more years between undergraduate and graduate school. Must be a matriculated graduate student accepted in a department, 3.0 GPA. For more information call 797-1728 or stop by the center. Application deadline March 30.

•Wilderness First Responder, May 8 through 17. Upon successful completion of practical and written exams you will receive a two year SOLO Wilderness First Responder certification and a two year American Heart Association Adult Heartsaver CPR certification. To register, Kellie 797-7553 or ECC, Room 103.

•Tish Hinojosa, Mexican-American singer/songwriter, March 6, 8 p.m. Ellen Eccles Theatre, 43 South Main. $10 adults, $8.50 students/seniors and $5 USU student in groups of ten or more. Tickets at theatre box office or call 752-0026. Co-sponsored by USU Multicultural Student Services and Public Radio.

•Cache Valley Historical Society Fran Morgan “Indians and Mountain Men in Cache Valley.” March 7, 7 p.m., Logan City Building.

•Cache Sun n’ Snow Runners Shamrock Shuffle, 5K and 1 mile run, March 10, 10 a.m., Registration at Smithfield Community Recreation Center, 315 E. 600 South, Smithfield at 9 a.m. Pre-register at Sports Feet in CV Mall. $5 Adults, Students and club members $4, $1 off on race day for anyone wearing green. Info. Call 563-9153.

•Voice Male concert, March 23, 7 p.m. Sky View Auditorium. Concert to benefit the Sky View Marching band.