Activities and Events, Oct. 29

October 29-Diversity week: Dr. Ronald Takaki, 11:30 a.m. TSC Ballroom

October 30-Diveristy display, International Lounge, all day-2nd Annual Historical Fright Night, Historically firghtening stories, 7 p.m. Widstoe, Room 007.

October 31-Spelling Bee, 12:30 to 2 p.m. Sunburst Lounge-Halloween Carnival, 3 to 7 p.m., Field House-Diversity week: Mexican Day of the Dead Dance, 8 p.m. TSC ballroom, $1 w/IDUSU Academic Calendar: Click here Additional USU Events Calendar: Click here Place your event on our ONLINE Calendar:Click here Place your event on THE BACKBURNER of the Statesman:Click here •Diversity week activities: Nov. 1, State of Utah Minority Affairs panel, 11 a.m. TSC ballroom. President Kermit L. Hall, Noon TSC ballroom. “Chronicle of a Disappearance” Film, 7 to 9 p.m. TSC Auditorium. Nov. 2, Multicultural Carnival, 5 to 10 p.m. TSC Ballroom, $2 w/ID, $4 w/out. •Historical Fright Night, Come and enjoy a night of historically frightening stories Dr. Norm Jones, Dr. Jeannie Thomas, Dr. Dave Sidwell and Dr. Brian McCuskey. Oct. 30, 7 p.m., Widstoe, Room 007. Come in costume and you might win a prize. •AED Oct. 29 Service: Help with Special Olympics. Mandatory meeting Oct. 29 and 30, 7 p.m. TSC International Lounge. Must attend one of two meetings.AED anyone interested in dental or medical professions come visit with the peer advisors, any day, 8:30 to 2:30 BNR, Room 101. •Stop Logging our National Forests. Ecological Coalition of Students video and slide show presentation, Oct. 31, 4 p.m., TSC Auditorium. Learn why and how logging should be stopped on our public lands. • AED guest speaker, Nov. 1, 7 p.m. BNR, Room 202A •Volunteers Needed for Logan Canyon Cleanup, Oct. 30, 3:30 p.m., Meet at First Dam Parking Lot. Questions call Sean Damitz, Utah Conservation Corps Director 797-0964. •USU Study Abroad programs spend next semester studying in Spain, Mexico, England or other great locations. It is not too late. Application deadlines extended to November 5 for Spring 2002 Semester. USU Financial Aid and most scholarships apply. What could be better than earning credits toward graduation while experiencing the world? Contact study abroad TSC, Room 313, 797-0601/1253 or •Free Writing Assistance for English 0010-2010 and other writing assignments. Tutor has been approved by English Writing Center and can sign off on class assignments. Valley View Towers 007. Monday through Thursday 6 to 8 p.m. •Pacific West Cancer Fund has established a scholarship to bring attention to the importance of early detection of cancer. For more information and an application, contact your financial aid office. •Paintball Tournament, Nov. 10 in Logan Canyon. Registration begins Oct. 24, Taggart Student Center and Spectrum ticket office. $20 person details will be sent via e-mail upon registering. Includes all necessary equipment and breakfast. Sponsored by Arnold Air Society •Meet the Candidates for Logan City Council and Mayor Oct. 29, 7 p.m. and end with reception 9 p.m. Whittier Community Center, 290 N. 400 East. •November 1 deadline for Garth and Marie Jones Scholarship. This scholarship pays for 12-18 credits for Spring Semester 2001. Available to USU graduate or undergraduate student with a record of high academic achievement majoring in Humanities or Social Sciences including Economics. Rural Utah applicants will be given preference. Contact Mountain West Center for Regional Studies 797-3630 • 5K Fun run/walk, Nov. 3, Registration 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. Race begins 10 a.m. at church parking lot by Lundstrom Park, $15/person. First 100 get T-shirts, prizes also given. All proceeds to families of WTC victims. Info •Wilderness First Aid, Jan. 12 and 13, 2002. Introduction to First Aid and patient care in remote settings. Earn certification from Wilderness Medicine Institute, and the institute of NOLS. This course also serves as re-certification for Wilderness First Responder. Contact Maggon Osmond 797-7553 or ECC, Room 103.