Affirmative Action Baker Sale

Regarding the story published in your Friday edition concerning the Affirmative Action Bake Sale sponsored by the USU College Republicans: the only thing more vile than the temper tantrum nature of it’s sentiment was it’s pathetic, secondhand attempt at shock value. Similar bake sales have already been done at both UCLA and SMU earlier this year. I suppose I expected something more creative from college students even if they are Republicans. With a little imagination, I am sure they could think of several other topics deserving of a bake sale. They could go to Yale and stage a Nepotism Bake Sale, where the children of Yale alumni would all receive free cookies, as if it were their birth right. The Nepotism Bake Sale could then travel to the Houston Military Entrance Processing Station and give head of the line privilege and free cookies to anyone who is the child of a US Congressman and grandchild of a US Senator. This would ensure that while George W. Bush makes campaign fundraising stops across the fruited plain, there will always be a place where he can get free cookies. George W. Bush didn’t get into Yale because of his C grades, or his 1150 SAT score; he was admitted to Yale because his father was an alumnus. Also, George W. Bush didn’t soar past every other person waiting for an appointment to the Texas Air National Guard because of his 25th percentile score on the Pilot Aptitude Test; he received the appointment, that kept him out of Vietnam, because his father, George H. W. Bush, was a US Congressman and his grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a former US Senator. While Affirmative Action can be seen as a benefit to all students, minority and otherwise, I see little benefit from Bush family nepotism other than it’s direct recipient. Perhaps College Republicans have an irrational fear of diversity, and would feel safer in a university environment that resembles a cocoon of white bread and mayonaise, but universities would be doing these students a great disservice if they did not prepare them for a world that exists outside of country clubs and gated communities.

Sincerely,Nic Bakerstudent number: 429-33-0717(435)994-0564