
Aggies share their most awkward date stories

*Editor’s note: these interviews have been edited for clarity and length.

Hannah Sapp – USU freshman

Q: What was the worst Valentine’s Day experience you’ve ever had?

A: In fourth grade, my first boyfriend and I started dating two days before Valentine’s Day. Honestly, I did it just so that he would give me chocolate. He ended up giving me this huge chocolate heart with caramel inside and it was super sweet. Then I ended up choking on it in the middle of lunch, and it led to an asthma attack. I had to go to the school nurse and my mom had to take me home. I broke up with him a week later.


Nathan Williams – USU junior

Q: What was the worst date you’ve ever been on?

A: It was pretty bad. I knew this girl in one of my classes in high school who was really cool. She asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with her and some of her friends and I said yes. I wanted to go see “Spider-Man.” When I showed up to give her a ride, I found out her friends really weren’t going to come and that was the plan all along. I got tricked into going on a date. We’re just hanging out and as we leave her house she tells me her day has been kind of rough. And I’m trying to be nice and be like, “Why? What’s up?” And she said, “Things have been crazy. I just found out that my dad had a secret affair and I have like three other siblings that I haven’t met yet. I was also going to try to invite them to the movies. Is it OK if they come?” Then, when we got to the theater, her siblings who neither of us had met before were there waiting for us. And so, I had to go on this date that I felt like I was tricked into going on with her estranged siblings.


Jacob Malm – USU freshman

Q: What was the worst Valentine’s Day experience you’ve had?

A: It was Valentine’s Day and I had asked this girl out like four days earlier. And it snowed so all the roads were slick and I was trying to decide if I should do something for Valentine’s Day. Me and my friends ordered one of those heart shaped pizzas you can get. We got that pizza and drove it over to her house. I was driving my sister’s car and we’re driving through these snowy roads, drifting around the corners, and just having fun. We got to her house and gave her the pizza and a flower. Then we leave and I go to the end of her street and turn around. I’m trying to be all cool and I drift around the corner leaving her neighborhood, but I hit the curb on the other side. I popped my tire and we had to change the tire on my sister’s car in front of her house. Her parents were out there watching. It was so bad.


Chloe Koehler – USU sophomore

Q: What is the most awkward doorstep moment you have had?

A: I was going on a date with this guy and we went to a drive-in movie. We had been kind of liking each other on and off all four years of high school and this was after we’d graduated. We went to the drive-in and the tension was there so when we got back to my house, he walked me to the door. We’re talking and I felt the vibes that he wanted to kiss me. I don’t know if I wanted to kiss him. It would be my second kiss ever and my first doorstep kiss. I was very nervous, and I didn’t really want to do it. But we went in for a hug. I tilted my head down and backed away out of the hug, so he wouldn’t kiss me. It did not work. I had my hand on the doorknob and suddenly he’s just looking at me and I was like, “Oh, no.” He reaches out, grabs me by the waist, pulls me in and then he kisses me. And then he says, “Wait.” And I say, “Please don’t. I don’t want to talk about it.” He goes, “Was that weird?” I just didn’t want to talk about it. And he said, “I really liked you on and off for four years in between all my girlfriends and stuff.” And I was like, “Great. Good night!” And I went inside and cried.