Alcohol screening gathers info, gives advice

Joseph Dougherty

More than 120 people participated in the third annual National Alcohol Screening Day Thursday sponsored by the Student Wellness Center and the Counseling Center. Participants were given a questionnaire and had the opportunity to speak with a trained counselor regarding drinking habits not only for themselves, but for family members or friends as well.

“We’re here to give students the opportunity to learn more,” said Jaclyn Gardner, a graduating senior and intern with the center. “We want to have students become more aware.”

Five counselors alternated throughout the day to help participants assess their drinking habits. One of the counselors, Jana Carling, who volunteered with the Wellness Center for five years and has worked for more than two years as a prevention specialist with the center, explained more about the purpose of the assessment.

“The goal is to reach out to those who otherwise wouldn’t get help,” Carling said. “The assessment suggests there is a potential [for alcohol dependency].” Further assessment can then be encouraged. “We want students to know we’re here for them.”

However, the screening wasn’t only to determine the extent to which students drink.

“If education is what they need, we can give education,” Carling said.

According to Carling, National Alcohol Screening Day is just one of the programs set up by Screening for Mental Health Inc., which has programs that screen for eating disorders and depression. After these programs received good responses, Screening for Mental Health Inc. started expanding to other mental health issues.

Students who have questions regarding any health issue can go to the Wellness Center in the University Inn, Room 127.