Ambiguous Student Fees

Dear Editor, I am concerned about the ever-increasing student fees. As consumers we are presented with choices and then charged according to what we choose. As students we are definitely charged, but do we have choices? As a first year student at USU I just paid the fees not knowing what for or why. I thought about this after visiting McDonalds. Please, consider my conversation:

“Cheese?””Yes.” “Do you want a meal-deal?” “Sure.” “Super-sized for $0.35?” “No.” “Fry sauce?” “Yes.” “Special sauce?” “No.” I pick the options and pay for what I use. Now, how should the conversation go with student fees?

“$11.00 library fee?””Sure.””$3.50 music and theatre fee?””Why not?””$2.00 technology enhancement fee?””What’s it for?””To enhance technology.””Yeah, I’m for enhancement.””$53.00 computer fee?””No, I use my own computer.””$49.25 athletic fee?””No, I commute and won’t attend the games.””$24.75 activity fee?””What?””Its for activities.””Umm…””You also get a $26.00 health fee, $63.00 building fee…”

The fees continue, but what’s different from McDonalds is that unused or undesired options are still paid for; more than $255.00 (for10 credits or more). My working neighbor takes a 1-credit, 1 hr./week aerobic class. To receive the title “student,” she pays (above tuition) $165.50 student fees + a P.E. lab fee. Additionally, there are “extra-fees.” Some lab fees are understandable; someone has to pay for dissected specimens. But, what’s the $30 English fee? 200 copies and use of the writing center? I usually pay $.05/page. 200 pages = $10.00. Am I missing something? Yes, information about what I am paying for. I use the facilities here at USU. I go to games and plays. However, my roommate doesn’t but still pays. Is that fair? McDonalds doesn’t charge him more because I want super-size. McDonalds also tells me the sauce is in the bag. Many paid services are unknown to most students. Ask anyone about the health center? Unsuspecting students shouldn’t be taken advantage of. I only ask for more information, more fairness, and less ambiguous student fees.

Thank you, Darin Jurgensmeier787-0332dajurge@cc.usu.edu518214871