Announce your WEDDING NEWS here!

This page is where USU students will go to find information about weddings and receptions and all matters about LOVE!

If you are plannng a wedding soon, send in your info TODAY and we’ll get it posted on this page. (Hundreds of students and staff are visiting Statesman Online EVERY DAY and you can get the word out to friends!) Yes, you can send a photo, as well.

Here’s what you do:

Simply click on the “Submit Wedding Info” button under options to the left. Fill out the from and click submit.

You can also send your information to OFFICE@STATESMAN.USU. EDU regarding an upcoming wedding and/or reception, to announce an engagement, or to let friends know of a wedding that has taken place.

This information will be used as closely to what is submitted as possible. If significant editing for length or other reasons is necessary, you will be contacted. This information will be used on The Utah Statesman website on a ” Wedding News” page and it will also be published in The Statesman. The printed newspaper version of wedding news will be published the FIRST MONDAY of each month. Deadlines are the LAST WEDNESDAY of each month, and those received will be printed the following week. Please plan ahead.

You can send in an image (bride only or couple) in JPG, PDF or TIFF format (JPG preferred). Or you can bring in a photo to The Statesman (TSC 105) to be scanned. Make sure your photographer has given you a release to publish the photo.

An example of text that might be considered for use is found at the bottom of this page.

Here’s the info we need to post your WEDDING NEWS on this page:

1) Bride’s Name:

2) Groom’s Name:

3) e-mail for contact (will not be published unless in text of announcement):

4) phone for contact (will not be published):

5) Wedding Date:

6) Photo: Crisp black and white is recommended. Wedding information can also be published without a photo, if desired.

7) Related Information:(Don’t forget times and locations of open houses, major at USU and other important information.)


SMITH and JONES (surnames of couple)

Steven and Martha XXXXX of XXXXXX, Utah, are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXx XXXXXXxx, son of SoandSo of ThisTown, Utah.XXXXX and YYYYYY will be married Sept 9, 2006, at the ThisSpecialPlace. A reception will be held in their honor from 6 to 8 that evening at XXXXXXXPLACE, 237 South 99999 Road. Friends and relatives are invited, especially their friends from USU and Bridgerland Applied Technology College.

XXXXX is a graduate from THIS High School She is currently attending Utah State University in THIS MAJOR. She is employed at THIS DEPARTMENT at Utah State University, and plans to graduate in May (after six long years!)

YYYYY is a graduate from Mountain999999 High School. He is currently attending Utah State University in THIS MAJOR and is on this intramural Team. He is employed at CXCXCXCXCX in Logan, Utah.

After the couple’s honeymoon in California, they will make their home in Logan while finishing their education. They are registered at THESE PLACES. Special thanks to TTTTUUUUUTTT for pre-wedding showers and parties. For us, the party has just begun!