

How ironic I find it that a so called ‘peace rally’ is in reality a hostile attack on our good nation and everything that is moral. Such anti-war and anti-Bush comments serve as a stumbling block to the progression of our nation. These comments should be taken for what they are, which is nothing more than anti-American slanders. We citizens need to be shocked and angry that this is taking place on our campus. But instead many of us who are the majority listen and remain silent and afraid to defend what we hold to be right. I find it amazing that these students do not support the war in Iraq. Do they not understand that in order to have peace, oftentimes there is no alternative but war? If we are going to enjoy the times of peace, which we are right now in our land, than we must be supportive of our President regardless of political affiliation. We must not forget 9/11 and how many lives were lost that day and imagine just how many lives were saved because of the offensive attack on terrorism that our Nation and even John Kerry agreed to rage. Even Mr. Democrat himself, former Pres. Bill Clinton, was convinced during his administration that Iraq had WMD. Nor should they forget that we supported Pres. Clinton in Bosnia and Kosovo.Another observation that I deem incredible is when the College of Republicans had their three-hour debate that the liberals were cursing and throwing things and ruining their sound equipment. I am awestruck by the way those who call themselves victims are in actuality the persecutors. Was this not the same group that a week before had their ‘Pride Alliance Week’ in which no one even raised a finger of protest? Not even once during the whole week was anything said! But a three-hour debate, the left could not refrain from hostile behavior. So to a group that professes peace, I am not convinced.

Ryan Jonesryanjones@cc.usu.edu615010283435-753-3638