Art guild

The USU Art Guild will host its annual warehouse show during Logan’s Gallery Walk on Friday, April 4.

The show is mostly two-dimensional art work by students, said Alyssa Harper, president of the Art Guild. The show is not only featuring student art work but also the art of Gene Needham, George Bradshaw and Marion Hyde. The show has “a little bit of everything,” including photography, drawing and printmaking of the contributors, Harper said.

“We are trying to focus on getting students ready for the art world after college, and it is helpful to have a resume that says you have shown your work somewhere,” Harper said.

The Art Guild worked with the building owner, Needham, in order to get a place to have their show, Harper said. She said he has been good to the students this year, letting them use the building for the show for free.

Students wishing to see the art show can find it at 25 W. 100 North in Logan.

“There are not many student artwork shows outside of the university, so students need to come out and support their fellow students,” Harper said.