
Arts Celebration ends with Grand Gala

Jessica Sweat

    With Celebration of the Arts week wrapping up, the Caine College of the Arts is not ready for a curtain call just yet.

    Tonight the Caine College of the Arts will present a Grand Gala in the Kent Concert Hall at 7:30. This evening will pay tribute to all the departments within the college and showcase the talents of faculty and students, while recognizing the prominent donors who made this new college possible.

    Lee Daily, who is directing the gala, said the evening will include little vignettes of each group performing activities from their department, including art, music, theatre arts and interior design.

    “It will be an evening of glitz, glamour and world-class entertainment,” Daily said.

    The event is also meant to entertain, with performances from Seussical the Musical, USU Scotsmen Pipe and Drum Corps and the USU Chamber Singers. Daily said every person that attends should be able to come and enjoy an evening out with the variety of vocal, instrumental and dance performances along with cinematography.

    “It will be a lot of fun,” Daily said.

    Marketing Director and Public Relations Coordinator Courtney Lewis said the Gala is “a blending of artistic expression to the fullest extent.”

    Lewis also said Hollywood actress and singer Audra Mcdonald will be a special guest at the Gala. Mcdonald has won four Tony awards and currently holds a role as Dr. Naomi Bennet in the ABC series “Private Practice.”

    Lewis said the Arts College is unique in that students can perform and showcase their talents “here and now” and do not have to wait until they graduate to do so professionally.

    The Gala will also take time to recognize outstanding seniors from each department. One such senior is theatre performance major Felicia Stehmeier, from Santa Barbara, Calif.

    Lewis said that Stehmeier is “a  prime example  of  the talent the Caine College of the Arts produces.”

    Stehmeier said she is honored to be featured and the college has provided her with many opportunities and a variety of experience.  

    “I was very surprised to be recognized for my hard work. It feels great,” Stehmeier said.

    The Grand Gala is free for students with an ID and $10 general admission.

    The theatre department will also put on “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged),” performed by the Old Lyric Repertory Company.

    This performance is one of the most popular shows produced around the world and will take place at the Caine Lyric Theatre Jan. 22 at 2 p.m. It promises a version of Shakespeare never seen before.

    Scenic Designer and Artistic Director Dennis Hassan said the show is “a very funny comedy based on three young adults who decided to show all of Shakespeare’s works in two hours.”

    Hassan said audiences will not get bored or lost due to the comedic actors constantly changing costumes and characters including male and female roles. Hassan also said the skilled comedians and actors of the company keep audiences engaged by interacting with them.

    “They are very accustomed to each other,” Hassan said of the actors. “They are roller skating comedians that can get out of hand sometimes.”

    The professional theatre company produced the popular show over the summer months and found it so successful, it lead them to revive the show for this weekend.

    Hassan said, “You don’t really have to know Shakespeare to enjoy this comedy, but if you do, then you will appreciate it more.”

    The event will also cater to the Logan community by combining a dinner offer from local historic restaurant The Bluebird Cafe, with the show. The college is sponsoring a “Prix Fixe” which allows those who purchased the $20 ticket to enjoy a post-show dinner at the cafe. Those who only have an appetite for Shakespeare will pay $15.

    For tickets or more information about either event, visit arts.usu.edu or contact the CCA Box Office at 435-797-8022.

– jessie.a.sweat@aggiemail.usu.edu