assault weapons ban


Amendment II

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The constitution guarantees the right to own firearms. However, the second amendment should not by used as an impediment to critical thinking about where the limit should be set. Citing the constitution, many argue that they have the right to possess any weapon that fits their fancy. To adherents of this school of thought I pose the question; where do we draw the line? At grenade launchers? At mines? At surface-to-air missiles? Or what about nuclear weapons? While these are very extreme examples I only ask the question to point out that there has to be a limit set somewhere. So what do we do? Short of placing Charlton Heston on a terrorist watch list, I believe that we should not only reinstate the assault weapons ban, but this time shut the loop holes and expand its authority.

Richard Fetters