ASUSU Academic Senate agenda – Sept. 15

ASUSU Academic Senate


Monday, September 15, 2008

5:00 PM


  1. Welcome: President Jennings


  1. Accept Minutes


  1. Public Forum


  1. Senator Updates


  1. Advisor Updates


  1. Information Items


    1. Ag Week!!!
    2. Revisit 07-08 ASUSU Tobacco Policy

      1. Where do we go from here? Input




    1. Book of the Semester is 1776 by David McCullough

    2. Committee updates: What is going on in the various committees’s that the senators are involved with?




    1. Deans Luncheon: Invitations, Agenda/Presentations, Catering



    1. Goals for the year, where are we at?



    1. Concerns from the students:

      1. Excused Absence Policy

      2. Others?
  1. Discussion Items


    1. ECB 09-02 Budget Transparency for Student Fees (First Reading)


  1. Adjourn