ASUSU: Athletics VP

Julie Ann Grosshans

Shelly Swasey, a junior majoring in public relations with a minor in sports, said she hopes people see athletics are something she is truly passionate about.

Swasey hopes to start a Meet the Athlete Day on the Quad. Here, students as well as the community would have the opportunity to interact with Utah State University student athletes.

“It’s an opportunity for them to get to know and see what we have to offer in athletics,” she said. “What I hope to accomplish is for the people to come to build relationships with our athletes.”

Swasey hopes this will increase attendance at sporting events, including club sports.

Activities would include trying to out throw the best quarterback and trying to out shoot the best 3-point shooter.

Meet the Athlete would occur once a year.

Swasey said she also plans to spotlight those who are selected as USU Athlete of the Week as well as continuing to raise money for the victory bell.

She also wants to create a USU athletic hall of fame.

“We need people to know we have amazing athletes here,” she said. “They deserve to be recognized.”

She said she eventually hopes to work in the NCAA football recruiting office.

Jared Biggs, a sophomore majoring in business administration, has been involved with athletics for the past couple of years.

Before the athletics department took over Midnight Madness, Biggs worked on a committee to pull off the event. He has also been involved with the Big Blue Crew as well as coming up with the idea for Ag Rags. The rags were sold at basketball games for $1 a piece.

Through his work with athletics, he has seen some things he thinks can be improved on.

“I want to make students feel more ownership in it [the Big Blue Crew],” Biggs said. “Students support of athletics on campus is really the driving force behind how well we do.”

He said better support for athletic programs will translate into improved team performances, and in turn, will better the university as a whole.

“I think we take for granted, as a student body, what kind of affect we can have on athletics,” Biggs said.

Biggs said he also hopes to improve the Homecoming Parade. He said he wants to involve the community more and have the students take the parade more seriously. He said he wants to make it a real parade, rather than students just throwing some things in the back of a truck and driving down the street.