ASUSU bylaws open to students

Marie MacKay

Students can begin planning to run for the 2003-04 Associated Students of Utah State University Executive Council. The election constitution bylaws are now available to USU students.

The current Executive Council passed the proposed changes to the bylaws Nov. 26.

Camey Hatch, ASUSU Public Relations vice president, said, “We cleaned [the constitution] up so it made sense; we didn’t change anything major.”

Students can pick up the election packets in the Taggart Student Center, Room 326 or contact Hatch at 797-1719.

Among the changes to the bylaws, a video with each of the candidates’ platforms will be distributed to the USU Extension sites across the state, according to the ASUSU bylaws document.

Formation of the elections committee will be changed to consist of previous Executive Council members, students who have run for the council in the past, as well as regular students. These committee members will be more efficient in answering any questions the candidates might have, Hatch said.

Small grammar changes have been made to the bylaws and the position for Family Life senator has been taken out. Many of the changes were made to comply with the ASUSU constitution.

The bylaws are revised every year. Each of last year’s candidates received an evaluation to fill out. Members of the current Executive Council examined the responses and made changes to the bylaws accordingly.

Celestial Bybee, ASUSU president, said, “They are very important; they govern the process that will bring in the new laws. It is good to have something that the Executive Council has agreed on to back up campaign rules.”

Many of the rules in the bylaws will remain the same. Twenty positions will be filled. The deadline for write-in candidates is Jan. 31. Campaigning for primary elections will begin Feb. 25, and students can vote Feb. 27 and 28. Final elections will begin March 1, and students can vote March 3 and 4.

All candidates must be registered for at least 12 undergraduate credits or six graduate credits at the beginning of primary elections. Candidates cannot spend more than $400 on their campaigns. Voters must be registered students of USU. Students can access the ballot via the election Web site. Instructions on voting over the Internet will be available in the TSC, Room 326, according to the ASUSU bylaws document.

Hatch said, “Our goal is to have no unopposed races. It’s a great experience. We are very, very unique. We are the only university that elects all 21 officials into the office.”

Bybee said, “Running for office takes a lot of time, effort and it is good preparation for being in office. No matter what, it is a good growing experience, and it is good to stretch yourself. Learn as much as you can about the office you plan on running for as early as you can. It is a lot of work that goes unnoticed, and students should be running for the right reason.”
