ASUSU dedicated week to Inaugural Scholarship Fund

Laura Anderson

Associated Students of Utah State University is dedicating this week to raise funds for the Inaugural Scholarship Fund.

President Kermit L. Hall set aside $50,000 from the university and $10,000 of his own money to create this scholarship fund, said Jim MacMahon, vice president for university advancement.

The fund is for good students who do not have the grades for current scholarships, said Andy Dilly, ASUSU activities vice president

ASUSU hopes to raise $5,000 from students through activities, donations and raffles. ASUSU will then match this amount from their own capital and support fund, making a $10,000 check to match President Hall’s donation, Dilly said.

ASUSU’s goal is to have the funds available to present to President Hall at the charity ball Friday. The ball will be held to raise more money for the fund. Benefactors and various philanthropists will attend. The campaign for this fund raising effort will culminate at this ball, Dilly said.

Students now have the opportunity to give back to the university through this fund, he said.