ASUSU discusses this week’s events

Alicia Wiser

Working hard to raise money for the Inaugural Scholarship Fund created by President Kermit L. Hall has paid dividends, said Rachel Von Niederhausern, Associated Students of Utah State University administrative assistant, at Tuesday night’s ASUSU meeting.

“Today we raised $750 at the barbecue,” Von Niederhausern said.

ASUSU hopes students will continue to support fund raisers to be held throughout the week in an effort to reach their $5,000 goal – which will then be matched by Capital and Support and donated to the Inaugural Scholarship Fund for students’ educational benefit, said Nollie Haws, ASUSU public relations vice president.

Director of Student Activities Tiffany Evans commended ASUSU’s efforts to raise money for student scholarships.

“This [the Inaugural Scholarship Fund] is such a good endeavor. What a statement you are making to contribute to a program that is ongoing and will really support students,” Evans said.

Evans encouraged each member of ASUSU to donate a minimum of $5 to the fund, and most members contributed between $10 to $15.

“It’s a good effort and a good program,” Evans said. “[ASUSU’s] encouraging students to understand the concept of giving back to the university.”

Von Niederhausern said students can continue to support the Inaugural Scholarship Fund by attending the following events throughout the week. Tonight at 8 p.m., the Student Activities Board will be hosting the movie Finding Forrester for $1 in the Kent Concert Hall.

Lunch will be served on the patio of the Taggart Student Center for $2 again on Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All food has been graciously donated by Food Services. Evans said directors of Food Services Steve Jenson and Alan Andersen were even out “flipping burgers” at Tuesday’s barbecue.

There will be a raffle on Thursday. Tickets will be $1 and prizes will include Aggie sweatshirts and other Aggie paraphernalia and dinners with Herman Boone. Also, Cold Stone Creamery will be donating 25 percent of all proceeds to the Inaugural Scholarship Fund Thursday evening between 7 and 11 p.m.