ASUSU: Family Life Senator

Danielle Hegsted

The candidates for the College of Family Life senator are Erica Gihring, a junior majoring in apparel and textiles, and Andrea Garner, a senior majoring in family finance.

“I will be the voice of all Family Life students,” Gihring said. “This makes me the best Family Life candidate. I am willing to stand up for students on tough issues and not back down to administration when students’ will is clearly visible.”

Garner said she is the co-president for the Family Life Student Ambassadors and served on the Family Life Council.

“I have been able to observe past Family Life senators work ethics and routines, as well as the way they perform their responsibilities as senator. I would hope students will vote for me, not only because of my experience in the college, but because they can see I have a sincere desire to help improve our college the best a student is capable of,” Garner said.

Gihring said, “As the Family Life senator I will better the college by implementing innovative ideas while involving students. Involvement of students in the college affairs will make representation more accurate. Accurate representation allows for students’ voices to be heard by ASUSU and college administration.”

Garner said, “I hope to stay in contact with the members of the College of Family Life by promoting a new service club open to all students who wish to volunteer. Through this, students will have the opportunity to gather once a month to meet with other students as they use their interests and skills to better our college, campus and community. Also, through working closely with my council as well as meeting with faculty and students daily in the classroom and also getting to know the presidents of the clubs with the college, I hope to make many friends along with learning what I can do to help.”

Gihring said, “The College of Family Life is currently searching for a new dean. It is important there is a strong relationship between students and administration. My first objective of office would be to build strong ties and open communication with new administration in the College of Family Life.”

Garner said her platform includes proposing to have peer advisers for each major in each department, encouraging students to get involved in a College Service Club, providing better publicity in the college so students are well-informed of upcoming events, selecting council members motivated to carry out specific job responsibilities and defining the College of Family Life and the purpose it serves in and out of the classroom, along with how students can share that purpose to those in our future homes, the workplace and the community.

Gihring said, “Through involvement in the College of Family Life and other campus organizations I have grown both intellectually and socially. Fashion Group has helped me to develop professional and leadership skills that will be beneficial to this position. As Kappa Delta representative for Greek council I was able to sit in a round table situation and work with a diverse group of students.”

Garner said, “I believe that success begins in the home. The things we learn in the classrooms within the College of Family Life are to only better prepare ourselves in raising families, along with working outside the home. I believe our main goal should be to learn how to better understand people.”