ASUSU focuses on student needs, concerns versus leglative action

Alicia Wiser

Associated Students of Utah State University members, the executive council and senators, are making themselves more available to students to combat the notorious “third-floor gap.”

As the second meeting for ASUSU came to a close yesterday, President Steve Palmer encouraged members of the council to “get out and discover what [resolutions] will affect the students.”

Palmer said that upon looking at past executive council’s achievements, he noticed that very little was done for the students.

“The problem was that since there was a lack of issues, [the past councils] focused on bills,” he said.

“We want to change that. We want to focus on resolutions – things that will influence students. How does the charter of student government affect students?” he said. “It doesn’t. We want to focus on things that will make students stop and say, ‘Oh, that affects me.’

“If we’re not focusing our time on resolutions, I think we’re wasting students money,” Palmer said.

One way ASUSU is determining what students want to see pass as legislation is through comment cards are set out each Friday afternoon at random booths throughout campus.

Public Relations Vice President Nollie Haws said the booths proved successful last Friday and the council hopes for continuing success in the future.

At the meeting, ASUSU briefly touched on President Kermit L. Hall’s Inaugural Scholarship Fund.

Still working out details of the preliminary stages of supporting this scholarship from a student’s perspective, Palmer said ASUSU hopes to “create a way to help students be included in the President’s proposal for raising scholarship money.”

ASUSU also unanimously voted Braden Jenkins as the Utah Intercollegiate Assembly delegate chair.

Having served on UIA for USU for two years, Jenkins was highly recommended as delegate chair by ASUSU Executive Vice President Celestial Starr Bybee.

If students have a concern they would like to voice, they can contact any member of ASUSU or stop by the student relations booths on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.