ASUSU: Graduate Studies VP

Marcie Young

Robert Franckowiak isn’t worried about his chances of being elected Graduate Senate president. He’s running solo.

The position, which also serves as the Associated Students of Utah State University Graduate Studies vice president, will require Franckowiak to represent gradate students at Utah State University at the faculty and student senate levels.

Franckowiak, although a new candidate for the position, is a veteran in politics at USU. For the last three years Franckowiak has been working with the senate and has established contacts with the administration, he said.

Franckowiak said he’s pleased in how USU’s Graduate Senate has evolved in recent years.

“Seven to 10 years ago [USU’s] Graduate Senate was almost inactive,” he said.

Now, the Graduate Senate is working on projects like establishing a graduate student center in the library and increasing notoriety at USU to “lure more graduate students here,” Franckowiak said.

Although the position is clinched for Franckowiak, his platform includes creating an understanding and appreciation through USU’s diverse student population.

“Even though the demographics aren’t as diverse … people are still individuals,” Franckowiak said.

Franckowiak has two bachelor’s degrees, one in math from BYU and another in physics from USU. He is currently working on his master’s degree in physics.

Erica Thomas is the current Graduate Senate president.