ASUSU meets to talk about student issues

Marie MacKay

A request for a kiosk in the Agricultural Science Building, dependent use of the Student Health and Wellness facilities and other issues were discussed at the Associated Students of Utah State University Executive Council meeting Tuesday.

The first reading was held to present a proposal that $476 from Capital and Support be allotted to the building of a kiosk display for the Agricultural Science Building.

Kiosk systems allow students to access e-mail accounts, the QUAD and the university Web page.

Cade Davis, ASUSU Agriculture senator, said, “The Ag Building is used by the university to house many different classes for students that are not in the College of Agriculture.”

A second reading item about the dependent use of the Student Health and Wellness Facilities was tabled until next week so more information can be provided.

The purpose of the proposal is to reduce the costs associated with routine health services through dependent use of the center. Council members were concerned that the minimal information provided was not sufficient for a solution to the proposal.

A request was made for a second reading item for an ASUSU showcase in the basement of the Taggart Student Center. The showcase will be strictly for Executive Council members to display their pictures and positions.

Celestial Bybee, ASUSU president, said, “I want people to know who all the officers are. It will point out a face with a name to all the students.”

Issues concerning summer compensation for Executive Council members were also discussed as a second reading item.

Bybee informed the council of a recent meeting with President Kermit L. Hall and other administrators who discussed line by line ASUSU’s resolution for the commencement proposal. Information from the meeting will be released to the public by the end of the week.

“President Hall really considered our resolution and was very appreciative of the students’ concerns,” Bybee said.

Issues concerning House Bill 331 were also discussed. A proposal may be presented to the Legislature to reduce the number of required credits for residency from 60 to 45 because of the decrease in revenue for the last fiscal school year.

Opinions on the proposal to add $10 to student fees to allow students to use the Fitness Center during the summer with their activity card were discussed.

Ericka Ensign, ASUSU Academics vice president, presented several amendments to ASUSU’s constitution to clarify any confusion.

Items concerning leadership committee reports were presented, including upcoming activities and events during the week.