ASUSU officers hope to come back for more

When I was reading the Wednesday, February 25, 2004 edition of the Statesman, I came across a catchy article. This article didn’t catch my eye because I was impressed by any means. I was actually pretty dissapointed in this article, because it interviewed and published direct quotes from current ASUSU officers about what they represent. The kicker though is the quotes they were publishing, stated what the officers planned on doing next year. I am not running for office, but even I am aware of the March 15 starting date for campaigning, which means that campaigning cannot start before this date. The issue at hand was pretty black and white to me. This was basically easy, unfair, and unethical campaigning by the current officers. Even if they were approached by the newspaper, it would have been fairly simple to decline the offer. For those officers who already have a lot of experience, as it states in the article, should have a pretty good feel for campaign rules. I feel bad for those that were essentially cheated against, and I hope that they don’t have to resort to unethical behavior, so that the problem can be stopped where it started.
