ASUSU online book exchange alternative for students

Alicia Wiser

The Associated Students of Utah State University online book exchange is now more accessible and user-friendly than ever before, said Nollie Haws, ASUSU public relations vice president.

The service was started for students approximately four years ago as an alternative means for book buy/sell back. It is a direct student-to-student used book sale and is free of charge, Haws said.

“It’s letting students have a chance to save some money. I’m always looking for any chance to save money as I know all students are,” Haws said.

Haws decided to upgrade and better publicize the online book exchange after receiving “at least 15 e-mails” over the summer from students requesting more information about the service.

The service is “really user-friendly and easy to use,” Haws said. “Another advantage that I think is really neat is that it’s actually on-campus. It’s managed here at Utah State. [Which makes] it more personal.”

Students can look for any textbook according to category and can then contact the owner of a book by telephone or e-mail to negotiate pricing, Haws said.

For further convenience, there is a link students can click on called the Aggie Blue Book, a service provided by the university bookstore, which lists all the buy back and used sell back prices the university will be using for all textbooks.

This can be a great component in helping students determine at what prices he or she should buy or sell a book, Haws said.

Paul Sampson, director for Auxiliaries and Service Enterprises and vice president of Administrative Services, said the bookstore is supportive of the ASUSU online book exchange.

“We’ll do what we need to do to support student activities and the ability of students to reduce the cost of education in any way possible,” Sampson said.

Another feature of the online book exchange is the option of receiving an “e-mail alert.”

“This reduces search time considerably,” Haws said.

If a book a student is searching for is not listed, the student can choose to be sent an e-mail alert which will notify the student when the book is posted for sell back, Haws said.

“I really, really hope students will take the chance to use [the online book exchange] because it’s a resource that’s been untapped for so long [and] can really be beneficial” to those students who take advantage of it, Haws said.

Students can access the service from a direct link on the ASUSU home page at

Students wishing to post a book for sell back must login with their student ID number and password. It is unnecessary to login if buying, Haws said.

Buy back and sell back information can be posted at any time, Haws said.