ASUSU plans ways to get out the vote

Steve Kent, editor in chief

The 2012-2013 ASUSU Executive Council convened its first official meeting of fall semester Tuesday at 7 a.m.

The council discussed ongoing preparations for Week of Welcome and heard reports from individual council members.

Ben Wilson, ASUSU Executive vice-president, said he is working with the Utah Student Association to increase voter turnout among students. Voter registration forms will be available at the ASUSU information booth on the first floor of the Taggart Student Center, he said.

Wilson said he is also interviewing student applicants for the Government Relations Council.

“We want diversity on the Government Relations Council, especially in terms of majors. We’re really trying to find an agriculture and an engineering student,” Wilson said. “Those are big areas that the legislature thinks about when they think about Utah State.”

Starting later this semester, the Government Relations Council will meet weekly and plan how to lobby the state legislature on the student body’s behalf. Students interested in applying for a position on the council may contact Wilson at