ASUSU VIEW: It’s a great day to be an Aggie

Noah Riley

The spirit of Thanksgiving has spilled over into this week because I wish to express gratitude for the great people that make up the faculty, administration and staff of USU.

I believe it is safe to say that we all come to college with the preconceived notion that the faculty and administration are intimidating and difficult to work with. While this may be true at many institutions, it is an entirely different story here at USU. We are incredibly fortunate to have professors that are not afraid of personal contact, in fact, nearly every professor I have had encourages it. The numbers speak for themselves: in seven out of the last 11 years, USU professors have received the Utah Carnegie Professor of the Year award. I know there are professors that are difficult, but I can honestly say since my freshman year, my professors have been great to work with.

Recently, I ran into a professor I had three years ago. I had to think twice about where I recognized her from and what her name was. Before I could, she called me by name and asked how I was doing. I was shocked. She has had hundreds of students since I was in her class, but she remembered me and even complimented me on not being as socially awkward.

On that same note, the administration is equally focused on students. Unfortunately, students do not get the opportunity to work directly with President Stan Albrecht and the outstanding vice presidents. For the last five years, ASUSU has gathered student input to help determine where Tier II tuition dollars should go in order to improve campus life. Last year, ASUSU clearly laid out the areas that students would like to see funded. Because upper-class enrollment is down this year, USU did not receive nearly as much Tier II tuition money as was projected. Nevertheless, President Albrecht has assured us that all of the money for student initiatives will be allocated. This is unprecedented. At most schools, these funds would be the first to be cut, but because of the administration’s concern for students, USU remains unique.

Therefore, responsibility lies with us as students to continue to voice concerns and do our part to contribute to a positive learning atmosphere. I encourage all students to fill out the ASUSU Tier II tuition survey located on the Webmail homepage or come visit with us. I’ll see you on the third floor.

Noah Riley is ASUSU president. Comments can be sent to