All posts by The Utah Statesman

Activities and Events, Oct. 8

October 8-NR week, Logger Breakfast, TSC Patio, $3.50 Eggs, pancakes, sausage Monday – Friday-NR week, NR vs Engineers Quiz bowl,

Classified ads, Oct. 8

Classified ad deadlines are one working day prior to the day of publication is desired by 10 a.m. Cost per
Lurking in the dark

Lurking in the dark

Justin Berry With 55,000 square feet, 55 sets, more than $1,000 worth of make-up and a cast and crew of

Campus News Briefs

Natural Resource week activities The college of natural resources will be holding various events and activities Oct. 8 through 12.

REVIEW: Rocky Point

Justin Berry The October chill is in the air, and with Halloween just around the corner it is time to

Meeting the Queen of Screams

Justin Berry From fashion model, make-up artist and producer, Cydney Neil has been involved with the entertainment industry for many