Christopher Campbell, staff writer Music makes art more powerful, according to McKayla Sundberg, a freshman majoring in music performance.
All posts by The Utah Statesman
Jeff Dahdah, assistant sports editor When Sean McInerney and Clancy Shields were hired as the women’s and men’s tennis head
Ashlyn Runyan, staff writer Students and faculty were encouraged to do their part and get involved at the Access and
Steve Schwartzman It’s a new month, new semester, same column, still unsure about the Eggo waffle. These are the times.
Maile Burnett, staff writer Offices that house the new business services division of USU Student Services are now up and
Manda Perkins, staff writer Changes were made that limit the number of people to which guitar majors can give lessons.
Marissa Neeley, staff writer She came to earn money to return home, but she ends up throwing a wrench in
Paul Christiansen, staff writer I realize it’s human nature to want a quick and easy answer to important questions –
Andy Pierucci, columnist The recent scandal that’s now being referred to as “Bridgegate” surrounding Republican governor of New Jersey Chris
Casey Saxton, USU/SA PR director Most students forget they have student government representation within their own college. At USU, our