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Autumn DeHarde: Star gymnast

Some people may already know Autumn DeHarde from her four years as a star gymnast here at Utah State University. However, the Wisconsin native is also a star in her academics. 

Graduating this semester with a degree in Marketing, DeHarde said that the feeling is bittersweet. “I’m really excited to graduate and move back home because that’s where my family is, but at the same time I’m really gonna miss Utah and everyone out here.”

Home for DeHarde is an area just outside of Milwaukee, so the cold weather in Logan was definitely not a shock or transition for her. 

The decision to move to Utah for school, even without ever having been here prior to college, was easy for her. Not only because she was recruited for gymnastics, but she said she fell in love with the atmosphere and the people. 

“I love the university, I love the campus, I just love Utah and the environment out here more than anything.”

DeHarde has accomplished many things with her time here at USU, including winning the Robins Award for Women’s Athlete of the year in 2021, as well as being named Gymnast of the Year for the entire Mountain Rim Gymnastics Conference. 

She has also claimed many gymnastics titles, especially in the 2020 season. DeHarde had a recorded score of 9.950 on floor, which is a career-high and is tied for third all-time in school history. 

On average, she scored 9.883 on floor, which is ranked in school history as second all-time in a single season.

Along with competing on floor, DeHarde also participated in vault and beam. Although floor is by far her favorite, and there is no question that she’s definitely successful at it. 

“I really enjoy competing beam as well, but it’s just a little more stressful than floor.”

And with 4 hours of practice and treatments every day on top of gymnastics meets and school work, it can undeniably be stressful, overwhelming and discouraging. 

However, DeHarde said that she stays motivated by keeping her focus on her career after college and remembering that everything she does is going to be worth it in the end.

“If she has something she is passionate about, she will never do anything to harm that relationship,” Autumn’s mom, DeeDee DeHarde said. “Autumn is one of the most dedicated, loyal and trustworthy people I know. She always tries to make the best out of everything.” 

Even with her busy academic and athletic schedule, DeHarde still puts forth an effort to spend quality time with her family and friends. She also loves shopping and getting to camp and fish on the days that are actually warm. 

DeHarde also said that one USU tradition that she’ll really miss is the Scotsman cheer at sporting events. It’s something that she did all the time at every single gymnastics meet, so it became a small part of her Aggie experience. 

Another part of her experience was learning what she really wanted to do. Originally an Art major with an emphasis in graphic design her freshman year, DeHarde decided that it wasn’t for her and knows that marketing is a much better fit.

The advice that DeHarde gives to other students, especially new incoming freshmen, is to enjoy the college experience while it lasts.

“It really does go fast. Really enjoy every moment and work hard at school and anything that could set you up for your future.”

As for her future, DeHarde will miss being able to compete with her teammates and hear the crowd cheering them on, but she is looking forward to finally getting to be with family again. 

In the end, she said that she has absolutely no regrets and is looking forward to starting a new job in June back home in Wisconsin.


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