Best things to do over holiday break

By Jill Bowers

Holiday break is a wonderful time of year. Not only is it a break between semesters, but it’s also a time to spend with family, to rejoice over beliefs or just to be together with one another.

Sometimes, though, family can be just too much to bear, especially if there are siblings around, and there has to be something to do to get away with friends or just to be alone and enjoy the break. But what is there to do?

“My favorite things to do over Christmas break would be watching movies, drinking eggnog, watching (hand)bell choirs, listening to Christmas music and going to see all the nativity scenes,” said Melissa Johnston, junior in elementary education. “I’m also getting married over the break, which I’m way excited for.”

For Jill Sanders, undeclared sophomore, the holiday break holds unlimited possibilities for outdoor fun in the snow.

“I like to hangout with friends, go tubing, sledding, snowboarding; pretty much anything and everything I can think of,” Sanders said.

For those who are still looking for things to do, here is a list of the top 10 student activities:

10. Drink eggnog/watch movies with friends. This is a cheap and easy activity when it’s too cold to venture outside.

9. Caroling. Grab a group of friends and go door to door singing holiday favorites.

8. ice skating

7. Going to see holiday lights downtown

6. ice caving

5. Spending down-time with family

4. ice blocking on Old Main Hill

3. Tubing

2. Skiing locally at The Beav or traveling to one of Utah’s many other ski resorts

1. Snowboarding
