Brown bag lecture

Neil Butler

Roberto Burle Marx may not mean much to a citizen of the United States, but it is a household name for millions of citizens in Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro and other Brazilian metropolitan areas.

Darrel Morrison, a former professor at the University of Georgia, Athens for 21 years, temporary lecturer at Utah State University and current temporary professor at a Brazilian university, presented a slide show Monday,.

The lecture included Marx-inspired Brazilian landscapes in the Landscape Architect and Environmental Planning Jury Room.

After graduating from Iowa State University and then receiving a master’s degree from University of Wisconsin State darrel Morrison brought his expertise and understanding of landscape architecture to Utah State.

Morrison first arrived in Brazil in 1999 where he studied the works of Roberto Burle Marx and others.

From Flamingo Park to Marx’s farm and nursery, he presented multiple examples of creations from the architect’s life in the slide show.

As a landscape architect, artist, musician, botanist and ecologist, Marx intertwined all of these passions into his creations for public and private venues, Morrison said.

This presentation and others like it have been presented by the Utah State University chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects.

A group of around 12 meet each week in the LAEP Senior Study at 12:40 p.m.each Thursday to learn more about their fields of interest.

The group provides opportunities for students to get interaction with professionals as well as school, state and national events.

They have an extensive lineup of activities for the rest of the week.

*Thursday, Oct. 27 6 p.m.

Halloween Party at Valley View Tower basement

*Friday, Oct. 28 10-2 p.m.

Major Fair TSC Sunburst and International Lounges – free food and examples of LAEP projects, courses, etc.