BSU to sponsor annual fashion show Wednesday

Joanna Hooste

Cultures can be expressed in several different ways. Whether by language, food or fashion, the diverse members of Utah State University want to expand awareness.

To help promote the rich diversity at USU, the Black Student Union (BSU) will host its annual fashion show at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Sunburst Lounge in the Taggart Student Center.

Several students from other multicultural clubs will also participate. The show will last one hour and feature ethnic fashion, evening wear and urban fashion.

Emmanuel Navarro, who will participate in the show, said the ethnic category will allow students to express their cultures through fashion. The evening wear will be comical and the urban category will feature what is in fashion in big cities.

Brent Miller, president of BSU, said one of the main goals of the club is, to spread cultural diversity.

The BSU hosts many other activities, like the annual candlelight vigil and would like to perform more service.

These activities, connect us with the community, Miller said.

Katherine Trent, the person in charge of the show, said it is open to Multicultural students and others who are interested in participating.

Miller, Trent and Navarro also said they are doing it for fun and hope students will join the celebration.

The fashion show is in honor of Black History Month and also represents the fashion of diverse cultures, Trent said.

Most universities have more diverse cultures than the cities they are located in. Utah State is no exception.

“Once you leave the Valley, it’s not the same,” Navarro said. “Cultural awareness of different races and their values is always good.”