Calendar and events for April 9

April 9-Rally for America, speaker George Landrith, from Frontiers for Freedom. 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. TSC Patio

April 10- University Libraries National Library Week, “Behind the Scenes Tour” 10 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., meet at the Merrill Library reference desk.

April 11- Benefit Swing Dance, 7 to 11 p.m., USU Fieldhouse. Tickets $4 in advance, $5 at the door. Proceeds to benefit Brett Walund and his family

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*AED Scrub Sale. April 8, 9 and 10 either in the TSC or the Patio outside the TSC.

*Jewish and looking for a Passover Seder? Call Guy at 757-8459 or email

*Greek Week: Party on the TSC Patio April 9, noon to 2 p.m. Burgers for $1, Dunking Booth, Greek Academic Bowl.

*Eastern European Student Union banquet, April 9, 6:30 p.m. TSC Ballroom. $8. Door prizes, music, culture, and authentic cuisine. Proceeds benefit communities in Eastern Europe.

*National Library week April 9, 9:45 a.m. until noon in the ECC auditorium about the future of scholarly communication. Julia Blixrud.

*AED Closing Social April 10, 7:30 p.m. at the Coppermill restaurant, prizes, a speaker, and scholarship award. Bring significant other, $5 a person

*Social work students are seeking input from students who experienced the loss of a loved one as a child/teen. Discussion and dinner will be held April 10, 7 p.m. If interested email

*National library week, Kenning Arlitch, Digital Librarian for the University of Utah, will discuss the Mountain West Digital Library Project April 10 at 2:30 p.m. Room 120, Cazier SciTech Library.

*”Let There Be Light” New Horizon’s Show Choir April 10 and 11, Kent Concert Hall 7 p.m. both nights Tickets $3 with student I.D.

*Dietetics students presenting Health and Nutrition expo, April 11, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the TSC sunburst lounge. Prizes, gift certificates, games, cooking demos, recipes and more.

*American Red Cross Local lock-up fundraiser, April 12, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sam’s Club, Prizes for participants. Funds go to Cache County Relief trailer.

*International Cultural Exchange Club, Potluck and Hot Springs Shindig, April 12, 5 p.m., meet at Greaves Hall Basement. 6:30 p.m. depart for Riverdale Hot Springs, Bring swimming suit and $5. Call 797-0601 or

*5K race April 12, 9 a.m. Registration forms at Service Center, HPER Intramural office. Registration day of race is $12 and registration table and packets available 1 hour before the race. Race proceeds benefit a humanitarian project in Ecuador.

*Last lecture presented by Dr. Randy Simmons, April 17, 12:30 p.m. TSC Ballroom.

*Friday Night Activity, Institute Talent show is April 18. Come sign up in the Institute foyer. Auditions will be held April 9 and 10. Come share your talents with the University.

*ORC adventure slide show April 15 Mark Fells, Canoeing in the Yukon, April 22 Kevin Kobe UUR ski tour from Logan to Yellowstone. 7:30 p.m. Call ORC for info. 797-3264

*USU Ceramics Guild Spring Sale, April 16, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. TSC International Lounge

*USU Middle Eastern Dance Club dance workshop and show on April 19. The workshop from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the HPER dance studio, and the show will begin at 7 p.m. TSC auditorium. Call Sara at 797-4016.

*ORC rental equipment sale April 26, 9 a.m. to noon. ORC center

*ORC 8 day whitewater river trip. May 4 through 11, cost $249 includes food, transportation and group equipment. Register before April 22 Info. 797-3264

*Please donate discarded useable cell phone with charges at the Women’s Center, TSC, Room 310 during the month of April. Phone will be distributed to individuals who need constant contact with 911. The phones will be programmed to only access 911.

*Summer Credit Workshops, the best kept secret for earning college credit quickly and efficiently. Please visit our website at, or call 797-0423 for detailed information.

*USU Children’s House Now Registering Summer Day Camp and Fall Semester 2003 Call For Information: 797-3657

*USU American reads is hiring for Fall 2003. Get paid to be a reading tutor at a local elementary school. Must have work-study Contact Carol 797-4027 or

*Women’s Center Susan Gray Blue Sky Scholarship, Undergraduate single senior women 24 years of age or younger and will graduate Fall 2003 or Spring 2004. Criteria: 2.5+ GPA and enrolled for a minimum of 6 hours for fall semester

*2003-04 Theodore W. Daniel scholarship, Eligibility Black women from the Continent of Africa. Undergraduate or graduate reentry or traditional female students, financial need and clearly stated educational goals. Previous recipients are eligible to apply.

*Stephanie Osborne scholarship Undergraduate single senior women 24 years of age or younger and will graduate Fall 2003 or Spring 2004. Criteria: 2.5+ GPA and enrolled for a minimum of 6 hours for fall semester. Deadline April 30

*Tuition waiver eligibility Undergraduate reentry women or men with a gap of five or more years at some point in their education. Criteria: Utah resident, 3.0+ GPA and enrolled for a minimum of 12 hours for fall.

*2003-04 Dupont Endowed Scholarship for Women and Minorities in Civil and Environmental Engineering applications available TSC, Room 310. Eligibility: Undergraduate women in Civil and Environmental Engineering or undergraduate American minority men in Civil and Environmental Engineering or undergraduate women in engineer.

* The Cache Valley Folk Dancers and the Bridger Folk Music Society Contra Dance, April 5. The dance begins 7:30 p.m., at the Whittier Community Center, 290 N. 400 East. Various local callers will teach each dance and beginners and families are welcome. Live music will be provided by the local band, Leaping Lulu. A $5 donation at the door.

*Common Ground Outdoor Adventures is looking for volunteers to help with their cycling program, which gives people with disabilities the opportunity to bicycle using adaptive equipment. There will be an equipment demo at Common Ground on April 8. Call 713-0288

*Get certified. Take your American Red Cross First Aid or CPR class with Common Ground. Classes will be offered beginning April 17. Call 713-0288

*Wilderness First Responder, May 6-15. Upon successful completion of practical and written exams you will receive a two year SOLO Wilderness First Responder certification and a two year American Heart Association Adult Heartsaver CPR certification. Register Nate Trauntvein 797-0048 or ECC, Room 103

*Join the Utah Conservation Corps this summer and spend 3 to 6 months engaged in service benefiting communities and public lands. Crews of six to seven will construct trails, restore habitat, build fence and organize volunteers. Projects can be physically intense and require long days outside. Benefits include a living allowance, education award and great experience. Application Deadline: April 30 Contact Kate 797-0964 or

*The 20th Annual Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence Conference is scheduled for May 12 through 16, 2003, at the USU Eccles Conference Center. Five nationally recognized scholars will be on-hand to discuss topics from raising sexually respectful children to children’s emotional and moral development; the roles of parents and society, 2 to 3 credits in PSY 5500/6500 or FHD 5550 available for attending all five days; Full-time University student discount available. Please call USU Conference Services at 797-0423.