Calendar and events for February 14

February 14-Happy Valentine’s Day-USU Outdoor Recreation Center is bringing the Banff Mountain Film Festival February 14 & 15, 7 p.m., Kent Concert Hall, different film list each night, $7 general admission, $5 w/USU or student ID. Tickets available at the ORC, HPER or at the door. 

February 15– URCO grants due at noon to Old Main 142 or electronically to – LDSSA Religion In Life with Craig Jessop. February 15 ,12:30 Institute Cultural Hall

February 16-LDSSA Lunch for the Bunch – Bread Bowls, 11:30 a.m. Institute Cultural Hall – only $1!

* Nutrition N.E.W.S. (Nutrition Education for Weight Success) on Feb. 15, 6-7 p.m. Fieldhouse “Conference Room.” Topic: Energy In vs. Energy Out: Formula for Success. Admission: $2. * USU EWB general membership meeting, Feb. 16, 4:30 p.m. Engr 205, * Anyone interested in learning the rules and mechanics of Lacrosse or would be interested in becoming a Lacrosse referee is invited to attend this clinic. Feb. 19, 8 a.m. – noon, Education 282. Information contact Hal Potter at 797-0368 or email* Preventing and detecting plagiarism workshops open to anyone teaching a USU class. Detecting workshop: Feb. 23, 11:30-12:30 or March 8, 9 -10 a.m.. Registration required at least 3 days before the workshop. Registration or* USU Major Fair, Feb. 22. This year’s Major Fair will be held in the TSC Sunburst and International Lounge from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Academic departments will be available for questions. The fair is co-sponsored by University Advising & Transfer Services and Career Services. * Want to make a difference, Gain leadership experience, and have fun? Then join the, “Saturday’s of Service committee!” Information contact Rachel 757-2708* Free math and stats tutoring is available in several locations – morning, afternoon and evening. Come to the Academic Resource Center, TSC 305 for a schedule.* Learn a language, build skills, earn credits toward a major/minor. Study in Chile, France or Germany. Business and Spanish in Chile, also arts, literature or theater in England and a full semester of art in Germany.* Stephanie Osborne Scholarship is now available from the USU Women’s Center. Undergraduate single senior women 24 years of age or younger and will graduate Fall 2005 or Spring 2005. * Looking for a warmer place to go to school? Check out the National Student Exchange. Many opportunities in the US or Canada. Deadline March 1 – TSC 305  * Cache Angler’s looking for volunteers for Urban Fisheries program this spring to assist youth in learning the joys of fishing. The more volunteers we have the more kids can sign up.* Bridgerland Audubon Society general meeting, Feb. 10, 7 p.m., Logan Library meeting room, 255 N. Main St., speaker Bill Fenimore “The business of birding.”* Bear River Heritage Area Council will host a public meeting Feb. 14, 11 a.m. at the Tremonton Senior Center, 150 Tremont Street, Tremonton, Utah. Lunch will be served at a cost of $6.50.* Pro/Am Chocolate Festival, Feb. 12, 6:30 p.m., Bullen Center, 43 South Main.  Tickets are $5.00 per person and will be available at the door. Chocolate creations donated by local professional and amateur chefs.  Samples from competition entries, auctions, and raffles. Contest entry forms and complete details can be found at our website: * SCORE two day workshop “How to Set Up and Operate a Small Business, Feb. 15-16. 6-9 p.m., Cache Chamber of Commerce, North Entrance 160 North Main. $25. Registration allowed at the door or call 752-2161* Jewish and looking for other Jews? Contact Guy at 435-757-8459 or * Neighborhood Nonprofit Housing Corporation orientation meeting for “Welcome Home: Own in Logan”. The affordable housing program that provides a $5,000 subsidy to qualified first-time home buyers who wish to purchase an existing home in Logan City. Feb. 22, 6:30 at 95 West Golf Course Road, Suite 104. Call 753-1112 for more information to RSVP seating is limited. * The Cache County American Red Cross is offering disaster classes free of charge to the public to help prepare citizens for such an unfortunate event. Classes February 15 and 17 from 6 – 9 your local chapter. Please contact the Cache County American Red Cross at 752-1125 prior to the class date to reserve your seat.* “Celebrate America Show” auditions March 10, 11 and 12 for singers & dancers for the annual “Celebrate America Show” Thomas Edison School in North Logan (200 East 2600 North). March 10, 6 p.m., March 11, 7 p.m. and March 12, 9 a.m. Singers, come prepared to sing two songs (one should be a ballad). Dancers bring tap and Pointe shoes. Singers and dancers need to wear clothing they can dance in. 3 hours class credit and a scholarship. or (435)753-1551.