Calendar and events for Jan. 24

January 24-USU gymnastics USU VS Boise State, 7 p.m. Smith Spectrum. Students free with USU ID, General admission tickets available USU Ticket office

January 25-USU basketball VS Cal State Fullerton, 7:05 p.m. Smith Spectrum-USU Hockey VS Eastern Washington, 7:30 p.m. Eccles Ice Arena

January 27-Pride! Alliance meets 7:30 p.m. TSC, Room 335-Application for the 2003 A-Team are available TSC, Room 304 deadline January 28.

USU Academic Calendar: Click here

Additional USU Events Calendar: Click here

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* Cross-country skiing with the ORC. Jan. 25, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and it’s free. Sign up by Jan. 24 at the ORC. Bring your own skis or you can rent them at the ORC. Information 797-3264.

*Aggie Leadership Academy, Jan. 24, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m., TSC Walnut room. Leadership workshops, food, fun and friends. $5. “Who Wants to be a Leader?”

*Dietetics Club Meeting Jan. 27, 4 p.m. in NFS, Room 202. Discussion on various scholarships and summer internship that is

available to you. The meeting will be no longer than an hour and refreshments will be served.

*”A gathering storm: U.S.–Iraq crisis.” January 28, 12:30 to 2 p.m. TSC Auditorium, Dr. Bill Furlong (political science dept.) Participants: Larry Booth (former CIA), James Waite (adj. prof), Carolyn Rhodes (prof. Pol.. Sci. dept.), Jeannie Johnson (instructor- Pol. Sci. dept.), and Nabil Woussif (Prof. Biology dept.)

*NREPP Seminar: Governor Mike Leavitt, “Environmental Politics in Utah”, Jan. 28, 7 p.m. TSC, Auditorium

* Jan. 29 ASUSU Arts and Lectures Convocation, Joel Meyerowitz. Noon, TSC Ballroom. Free. An award-winning photographer, Meyerowitz was granted unimpeded access to Ground Zero.

*Peace Corps Video presentation, Jan 30, 3 to 5 p.m. University Inn, Room 510. Join us to learn more

*USU Women’s Center is seeking nominations for Women over 65 Achievement awards. Women must reside in Cache Valley, be 65 years of age or older, and have made outstanding contributions to the advancement and equality of life for women. Guidelines available USU Women’s Center TSC, Room 310 or call 797-1728.

*A free ten weeks workshop for limited English speakers. “Enhancing Diversity in the Workforce” is organized by Personnel Services Office, USU, will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in Logan High School. Pre-application is required. Enrollment limited. Child care provider. For more information call Idania Mirabal at 797-0698.

*Applications available for Pinnacle, national reentry honor society. Members must be 26 years of age or older, junior or senior, and had 5 year or more gap at some point, in their education, minimum 3.0 overall USU GPA, involved in campus and/or community activities, and pay a $20 one-time national membership fee. Applications available in USU Reentry Student Center, TSC, Room 310, 797-1728 email:

*”Women In Our Lives” Faculty, staff and students are invited to bring a photo of a woman who has influenced their lives to TSC, Room 310. Deadline Feb. 7. Photos should be no larger than 8:10 and can be returned. The photos will be used in a special slide presentation March 3 and 4.

*Whittier Community Center will present a Vietnamese Lion Dance, Jan. 25, 4 p.m. The dance will be performed by the Saigon Lion Dancers. Spectators can “feed” the lion money for protection from evil spirits and good luck for the new year. Please be early. 290 N. 400 East.

*Habitat Racquetball tournament, Jan. 29 and 30, Feb. 1. Single elimination with consolation tournament. Funds to build homes for low income families in Cache Valley. Register Jan. 24. Logan Rec Center Entry fee $10/first event, $5/2nd event.

*Applications for the 2003/2004 Classified Employees Scholarships are available Jan. 6, 2003 through April 23. The scholarships are awarded annually to a child, grandchild, or spouse of a USU Classified Employee or to a Classified Employee. Applications are available in the Merrill Library 115, TSC, Information Desk, Facilities, Room 104, Financial Aid or contact Kris Howard 797-2483,, for more information.