Calendar and events for March 31

April 1

– Native American Student Council Navaho Taco Sale, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. TSC patio

– Wall of Fame dedication by President Hall 1:45 p.m., Merrill Library First Floor. The wall honors students past and present who have won prestigious scholarships and fellowships such as Rhodes, Goldwater, NSF Fellowships.

April 2

-USU Women’s Tennis VS Portland, 1 p.m., Sports Academy

– AED Scrub sale, March 30-April 2, Outside the TSC

– “Dodge for a Cause” Dodge Ball tournament. 6 – 8 p.m., HPER building. Fundraiser for Community Abuse Prevention Agency (CAPSA).

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* “Ribonucleotide Reductases: Radical Initiation by Long Range Proton Coupled Electron Transfer” by JoAnne Stubbe, Professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 31, 4:00 p.m. Eccles Science Learning Center room 046.

* Partners in Business Human Resources Seminar, March 31 and April 1, 8:30 a.m., ECC. Seminar is free to students. Students should arrive on time and stay for the entire presentation. Information

* Golden Key’s luncheon for outstanding sophomores is April 1, TSC Walnut room. Come get some free sandwiches.

* Operation Smile meeting April 1, 9 p.m., TSC Sunburst Lounge! The concert and the 5k run will be discussed.

* AED Scrub sale, March 30-April 2, Outside the TSC on the patio or inside TSC if weather is poor. We have the USU logo on the scrubs for the first time ever and last time we sold them we ran out. So get them quick. $15-$25.

* Married Student Association (MSA) Concert. April 2, 6:30 p.m., Institute Cultural Center.

* Cache Democrats County Convention, April 3, Noon, in Logan High School, Little Theater. We’ll be hearing from candidates for local, state, and national office and elect delegates to the Utah Democratic Convention. Any questions, call Gina at 753-5156.

* International Banquet April 3, 7:00 p.m. TSC BallroomBuffet style of dinner from all over the world, plus cultural show. Tickets $12 general admission and $8 USU students.Ticket could be purchased at ticket office until March 31. Tickets are limited, so please buy today!

* Run for Shelter, 5K and 10K run, April 3, 9 a.m. Elk Ridge Park, 1250 North 1060 East, North Logan. Preregister TSC 332 $5 or register the day of the race beginning at 7:30 a.m. for $7. Fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity.

* NCCJ Hate Free Week April 5 – 9. Many activities planned cookouts, diversity panel, and more..

* ORC Hike by the light of the moon! April 5, 8 -11 p.m. Register ORC, or 797-3264 info.

* Psi Chi (National Honor Society) Fundraiser, April 7, 5:00 p.m. to closeCache Valley Fun Park. $5 you get pizza, drink, bowling or lazer tag, and skating or soft play. There will be door prizes and you can stay for the country dance free with the payment of $5. Return punch back cards available if you don’t get to do all the events.

* Student Showcase of Undergraduate research and scholarship, April 8, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. TSC International Lounge

* Undergraduate research awards April 8, 11:30 a.m. TSC Auditorium, Following the Thorne Research Lecture by Dr. Steven Aust, awards will be given to Outstanding Undergraduate Researchers and to Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentors.

* 11th Annual Conference of USU’s Early Intervention Research Institute (EIRI), Dr. David Francis, Ph.D., Director of the Texas Institute for Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics, keynote Address “Learning to Read in Alphabetic Languages: English and English Language Learners” April 5, 1:30 p.m., David B. Haight Alumni House. Posters will be presented 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 and several presentations about the well-being of children will be given after the keynote address. Free but RSVP is required. Register for complimentary lunch, contact Mary Ellen April 2, 797-0088 or e-mail

* A fundraising project to be a playground at the new Bridger elementary school will have donation boots in the TSC April 2 and outside Walmart April 10.

* New Summer sign language classes offered the first 4 week session – check the quad to register! ComD 2910 Sign Language I May 10 – June 4 M – F 9:50 – 12:00 ComD 3910 Sign Language II May 10 – June 4 M – F 9:50 – 12:00

* Jewish and looking for a Passover Seder? Contact Guy at 757-8459 or

* Stephanie Osborne Scholarship, Undergraduate single senior women 24 yeast of age or younger and will graduate Fall 2004 or Spring 2005. Criteria: 2.5+ GPA and enrolled for a minimum of 6 hours. Deadline April 9.

* Undergraduate Reentry Scholarship, Undergraduate reentry women or men with a gap of five or more years at some point in their education. Criteria: 2.5+ GPA (Total USU) and enrolled for a minimum of 6 hours for Fall 2004. Deadline April 30. Applications USU Women’s Center TSC 310, 797-1728.

* Dupont endowed scholarship for Women and Minorities in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Open to undergraduate women in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Undergraduate American minority men in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Undergraduate women in Engineering. Deadline April 2. Applications USU Women’s Center, TSC 310.

* Community partnerships and Lifetime Learning Center need volunteers to teach computer classes. Topics include Word, Excel, Access and more! For more information contact:

* Bridgerland Literacy’s free tutor training seminar begins April 6. Enrollment is open to anyone who would like to help an adult or child learn to read. Info. 716-9141 or stop by the office in the Logan Library.

* Now that you’re engaged, give your marriage a “Smart Start” by making an appointment for one FREE premarital therapy session at the USU Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic. Appointment or information call 797-7430. Also “Smart Start” financial counseling workshop beginning in May. Call Housing and Financial Counseling office 797-7224 or Family Life Center, 493 North 700 East.

* Free math tutoring. Engineering 106 Monday – Friday 2:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Math 0900 – 2250 and Stats 1040 – 3000. Mountain View towers Monday – Thursday 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Math 0900 – 2250. Info 797-1128

* Looking for a scholarship? The Lyon, Maas, Mueggler Outdoor Leadership Scholarship needs applicants! Detailed information is available at the ORC and on our website, (click on Alternative Programs and go to the bottom of the page). The award is $750 for one school year. Application deadline April 2.

* The Cache Valley Folk Dancers and the Bridger Folk Music Society New England Style Contra Dance April 3. The dance 7:30 p.m., Whittier Community Center, 290 N. 400 E. Calling by David Cottle and other local talented callers. They will teach each dance and beginners and families are welcome. Live music will be provided by the local band, Leaping Lulu. A $5 donation is requested at the door.

* Dancers needed to perform with the Crestmark Orchestra for the Celebrate America show. Open audition 8:30 AM April 3 at Greenville School, 400 East 2450 North, North Logan, Must be female, college age in appearance, have great technique & stage presence. Bring tap shoes if you have them. Information; 753-1551.