Calendar and Events for October 11

October 11

-USU Women’s Center Clothesline project Oct. 11 – 14, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. TSC International Lounge.

October 12

– Victimized by violence and abuse? Can’t find your way to recovery? Healing through writing with Shanan Ballam, Lecturer, English Dept. 2-Part Workshop on Tuesday & Thursday, 6- 8 p.m. 797-1728 information. Workshop is free and open to women and men. Pre-registration is required. Call 797-1728.

-USU Women’s Volleyball VS Weber State, Smith Spectrum, 7 p.m.

October 13

-German Film Club Nazi Cinema of Distraction “Parcelsus”, Widtsoe 007 6 – 8 p.m.

* College of Business Admission, “How Do I Get In?” Daily October Workshops Sign-up: Business Bldg. Rm. 309* Eat for a good cause, support the Aggie Special Olympics Team! Eat at Wendy’s Oct. 11 from 5-8 p.m. at any of the three Cache Valley locations. 10% of all proceeds go to Special Olympics. * Whittier Center Meet the Candidates night Oct. 11 and Oct. 25, 7 p.m. Candidtates for Cache County Council and State School Board will be featured. * Study Abroad has many spring programs still available. A scholarship to Asia is also still available. Deadline is Oct. 15. Contact Study Abroad Office for information, TSC 313.* Open house to celebrate the College of Business CEO Center October 15, 2-4 p.m. Business Building 309. All students, staff, and faculty are invited.* First Annual Bioneers conference Eccles Conference Center Oct. 15-17. You can register for one day, two days, or three days. Student and teacher scholarships are available; please contact Leona Hawks at . Info. and registration go to or call 435-797-0423.* Aggie Adventure camps for kids by USU Extension and State 4-HThe Mummy’s Curse – ages 6-8 Oct. 16, Holes- ages 9-11 Oct. 23. Information contact State 4-H Office: Michelle- 797-2838 or Lacey- 797-8444* ORC volunteer to work on the Yurt and receive a free night. Work and help prepare the Yurt for winter. Oct. 9, 9 a.m., Bring food, water, and warm clothes. Meet at the ORC Center.* Want one credit for a few hours of work? Stop by the political science office or call 797-1306, and ask about exit-polling on Election Day (Nov. 2).* Accelerated classes have just started!! The classes are: New Testament Life and Letters of Paul (TH at 9:30), Writings of John: Revelation – Second Coming (TH at 10:30), Book of Mormon – Part One (Friday at 8:30), Doctrines of the Gospel (Wednesday from 7 – 9 p.m.) Come to the Institute to sign up and find out more.* Wilderness First Aid, October 23-24, introduction to First Aid and patient care in remote settings. Earn certification from Wilderness Medicine Institute, an institute of NOLS, and also re-certify for Wilderness First Responder. One college credit is also available! Contact Conference Services at: 797-0423 or visit the Eccles Conference Center, Room 103.* Undergraduate researchers can submit abstracts to Posters on the Hill (Washington DC) by going to Abstracts may also be submitted to the National Conference on Undergraduate Research at Both conferences are scheduled for April, 2005. Copies of abstracts Must be submitted to the Vice President for Research Office to be considered for travel support.* Jewish and looking for other Jews? Join Hillel! Contact Guy at 757-8459 or* “The Daily Grind of the Forgotten Heroines: Experiences of Caregivers in Botswana” by Mrs. Odireleng Phorano Oct. 13, 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. University of Utah College of Social Work 207. * “A Rage of Maidens” band will perform a benefit concert Oct. 23, Whittier Community Center, 300 North 400 East. Tickets $5 for adults, $1 for children. Benefits for Religious Society of Friends and Cache Valley Unitarian Universalists.