Calendar and Events for Sept. 30

September 30

October 1

October 2- “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum” 7:30 p.m. Morgan Theatre

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•USU Theatre Dept. “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum” 7:30 p.m. Morgan Theatre Oct. 2 through 5,

• Would you like to teach English in Japan? A representative from JET (Japanese English Teaching) , Oct. 1, 9 a.m. to noon, TSC. Call 797-0601 for info.

•Disability Resource Center is looking for volunteer readers and note takers to assist students with disabilities. Interested in volunteering, contact Natalie Sterling-Galloro 797-3434.

•Chris Chester reading his book, Providence of a Sparrow at Chapter Two Books, Oct. 4, 7 p.m.

•USU Equestrian Team hosting two Intercollegiate Horse Show Association competitions (Western discipline only) Oct. 12. First 9 a.m. and second approx. 1 p.m. Info. Becky

•”Cooking for Less” classes at USU Extension office every Tuesday from 9 to 10 a.m. Last day of instruction is Oct. 8.

•Musical talents, dancers, and performers needed for Diversity Carnival on Nov. 1. Forms TSC, Room 326. Deadline Sept. 30.

•Speak Spanish? Interested in serving the Latin Community? Join Spanish ambassadors. Sign up Christensen Service Center, TSC, Room 325 or Aaron 752-3718.

•Wilderness First Aid, Nov. 23 and 24. Introduction to First Aid and patient care in remote settings. Earn certification from Wilderness Medicine Institute, and the institute of NOLS. Also re-certification for Wilderness First Responder. Conference Services 797-0423 or ECC, Room 103.