Calendar and Events for Sept. 6

September 6-USU Women’s Soccer vs. Sacramento State, 3 p.m., Bell Soccer Field, 1100 E. 1400 North-Campus Health 101 for Women and Men by Dr. Jim Davis, TSC Sunburst Lounge 12:30 p.m.

September 7-Volleyball Doubles Grass tournament, HPER field, Reg. 8:30 a.m., play 9 a.m. $15/team, men’s/ women’s divisions. Poetry and a beverage, 9 p.m. Come listen to the exciting sound of “Throttle” Free TSC Skyroom.

September 8-USU Women’s Soccer VS Eastern Washington, 2 p.m., Bell Soccer Field, 1400 N. 1100 East.•Ballroom Dance Team Auditions, Sept. 6, 7 p.m. and Sept. 7, 9 a.m., HPER, Room 213. Info 770-8569.

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•Greek recruitment Sept. 9 through 14, Sign up for sorority recruitment at opening orientation Sept. 9, 6 p.m., TSC patio.

•Phi Sigma Alpha Opening Social, Sept. 10, 5:30 p.m. on the strip of grass south of Old Main. All political science students are invited. Come barbecue, play ultimate Frisbee, get to know other students and hang out with your favorite professors.

•Welcome Back Aggies. Do you wish your travels could continue year round? They can when you Study Abroad. TSC, Room 313, 797-0601 or to find out how you can continue your USU education while studying in a new international location. Most scholarships and financial aid apply.

•Interested in organizing a Hillel (Jewish Club) on campus. Open to students/staff faculty. Contact Guy at or 757-8459

•LDS Institute Leadership Councils will collect food around Logan City for the Cache Community Food Pantry, Sept. 7, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please have food on front porches.

•Common Ground Outdoor Adventures, Full day Snake River rafting, Sept. 7. Call to reserve a spot 713-0288. Common Ground provides outdoor activities for persons with disabilities.

•Cache Valley Folk Dancers and the Bridger Folk Music Society New England Style Contra Dance Sept. 7 Whittier Community Center, 290 N. 400 East. Dance 7:30 p.m. Beginners welcome, all dances are taught. Music by Leaping Lulu. $4 donation.

•Come help the Utah Conservation Corps spruce up Denzil Stewart Nature Park, and then relax to live music in the park. Sept. 7. Work 5- 6 p.m., music starts 6 p.m. Denzil Stewart Nature Park, 100 S. and 700 East. Questions? Saundra 797-0964, Ext. 4.

•Cache Valley Gardeners Marker, Tomato Fest, Sept. 7. Sample heirloom tomatoes, tomato contests, and enjoy chefs Bill Oblock and Erik Burlile’s creations. The Market is behind Tony Roma’s, 100 S. Main St.

•The Gardener’s Market is held every Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon, behind Tony Roma’s restaurant, 100 S. Main St. Summer produce, herbs, flowers, and garden-related crafts are available for purchase

•Returned Peace Corps Volunteer barbecue. Sept. 10, 6:30 p.m. Info. Saundra 755-0779 or

•Interested in the Peace Corps? Information meeting Sept. 11, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and video presentation 3:30 p.m., University Inn, Room 511.