‘Calyx’ event to appreciate women’s contribution to arts

Jen Brennan

The theme for Women’s History month, “Courage and Vision,” will be communicated through dance, poetry, music and art during Calyx, an art exhibit and performance dedicated to women. “Calyx” is the term for sepals of a flower that form the protective layer of a flower bud, said Alycia Scott, director of the event.

The name symbolizes the talents of women in arts to explore the perception, emotion, beauty and spirit of being a woman. The three parts that form a whole are emotion and strength, the role of women within and outside social constructs and women united, Scott said.

The event will begin with an Art Exhibition of Women Artists, followed by musical numbers and a dance performance. Poetry and live music will be joined together to form the “courage and vision” of being a woman, Scott said.

The performance will start at 7 p.m. featuring Scott, Suzanne Kienast and Melissa McMaster. The group got started as a part of the Dancing Community, a dance company. All three met through the dance program and teach modern dance. Friday, their performance will consist of “utilized movements that relate to what your exploring,” Scott said. Overall, Calyx will aim to increase and support “the awareness of women’s issues and appreciation for women’s contribution to arts,” Scott said.

The event will be held Friday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Bullen Center, located at 4300 South Main. The art exhibition will take place in the AVA Gallery. The Carousel room is where the performance will be held at 7 p.m.

Admission is free, though a donation of $3 will be appreciated. Proceeds will be donated to the Utah State University Women’s Center.