Campaign Promises: a closer examination of ASUSU

* Mike Waggoner,Executive Vice President

Platform:* Get students more involved and informed– Waggoner said he enlarged Civic Awareness Week and got 10 percent of students to register to vote. He organized political rallies, debates and forums. He has lobbied for the new Merrill Library.* Better community involvement in student life– Waggoner did not mention this as part of his platform.

“I think we have a really good shot at getting the funding [for the library].”

* Robert Franckowiak,Graduate Studies Vice President Platform:* Create an understanding and appreciation among students– Franchowiak did not mention this as part of his platform.

Franchowiak said he planned to finish a graduate studies center in the library. The project is on hold until budgets are finalized. He planned to aid in the creation of underground parking for graduate students and seniors. Nothing has happened yet, he said.

* Julie Dethrow,Arts and Lectures Vice President Platform:* Decrease number of lectures and increase quality of speakers– Dethrow said she scheduled high-profile speakers, including Spike Lee* Stop classes from being held between noon and 1 p.m., lecture hour– Dethrow did not mention this as part of her platform.* Spread advertising across campus– Dethrow said she concentrated on reaching audiences. More than 1,000 students attended the Joel Meyerowitz lecture.

“Students have responded extremely well to the speakers that have been brought in this year.”

* Cade Davis,Agriculture senator

Platform:Davis declined to comment in the March 6, 2002 Statesman, so his original platform is unknown.He said he planned to:* Unify the College of Agriculture– Davis said his college is involved in community service projects for area rest homes.* Generate awareness of his college and its events– Davis said there will be a booth advertising Agriculture activities in February.* Improve Ag Week– Davis said he emphasize Ag Week, helping make it successful.

“With the help of the council, department heads, everyone, we will accomplish all we expected.”